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Katie, Dan, and Sarah: I'm changing my office hours. With Homeworks due Monday night, the worst possible time for office hours would be my planned Tuesday and Wednesday office hours. So, instead, I'll have office hours Thursday and Monday afternoons 1-2 pm at our house kitchen. I'll give you directions in class how to find it – it's 10 Worcester Place, but it's easiest to walk over from Sainsbury. I've got room around the kitchen table for several students to sit and work with me. Mark Guzdial

Happy Independence Day!
From National Treasure(2004):

Ben Gates: A toast? To high treason. That's what these men were committing when they signed the Declaration. Had we lost the war, they would have been hanged, beheaded, drawn and quartered, and-Oh! Oh, my personal favorite-and had their entrails cut out and burned.

Review for Midterm Exam--Summer 2006

Reviewing is important!
On another note, how can I become a TA for this class in the fall?_

We are holding "tailgate party" at the 10 Worcester Place Garden before the UGa/GT Soccer, er, Football Game starting at 6:45 pm (or whenever you get out of dinner) before the 7:45 pm game. We will have snacks and soft drinks available. Please do come join us!

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