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Gallery HW1: First picture method-Spring06

Did you make something cool? Use .write() to write your picture out to JPEG, then upload it here!

Uploaded Image: bigben.jpg Uploaded Image: gtg353i.jpg
Function called outline. Makes a charcoal sketch style outline of the original picture.
Uses comparisons in relative intensity, btw, so there are some interesting effects...

Uploaded Image: dogs.jpg Uploaded Image: dogs1.jpg

Missing File (/cs1316/uploads/REMOVEDttleHairClippyThings.JPG) Uploaded Image: Outlining.JPG
Okay so it's not that exciting - but I think it's pretty cool!!! ;P (2 Examples)
Uploaded Image: daisies.jpg Uploaded Image: daisies2.JPG
Oh, I completely agree – very cool! Mark Guzdial

Uploaded Image: wrestle.jpg Uploaded Image: wrestleGrid.jpg
Grids are very popular web and graphic designers, this method takes 2 inputs,
distance(space between lines) and color (of the grid lines). -Michael Campbell-

Uploaded Image: nabil-hw1-gallery.JPG

Uploaded Image: trophypoint.jpg Uploaded Image: pointblue.jpg

Uploaded Image: chase-rose.jpg

Uploaded Image: eccentric hieronymous hooper.jpg Uploaded Image: purpleman.jpg

Uploaded Image: aibo.jpg Uploaded Image: aibo2.jpg
Sony AIBOs? Manabu Shimobe(TA)

Uploaded Image: happybirthday.jpgUploaded Image: happy.jpg

Uploaded Image: butterfly1.jpgUploaded Image: butterly1rainb.jpg

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