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Midterm exam 2 review Fall2005: Draw the Object Structures

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A. is > cork > snap 4 times > clap 3 times
B. uhhh i don't really know if i could draw this on here

since there is no root.addREMOVEDld(branch3) i'm assuming it doesn't get added to the tree(duh) unless there is a typo???

You can upload JPEG, PPT, etc. and I'll review. Good observation! Mark Guzdial

In that second one, I forgot how addREMOVEDld() adds branches, like does it start from the beginning of branch 1 or the beginning of branch 3?
Kyle DuPont
EXTREMELEY GOOD AND RELEVANT QUESTION, KYLE! Remember that addREMOVEDld() checks to see if the children link points at anything yet (is it null?). If not, then the first child becomes what children points to. All additional children are added to children–we do a last() on children (following the next links), then insertAfter() Mark Guzdial

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