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FinalExam Review Sp2005: Explain It in Your Words

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B. Why did we use trees to create animations?
Trees represent heiarchial structures. THis means that there can be many layers within a scene or animation represented by a tree. Also, not everything in a scene can be represented in a single list. For example, a pack of chanracters. Trees also store operations(behaviors) as well as data. These operations tell 'characters' how to act in an animation.

C. Why do we consider it "hard" to insert and delete into the middle of an array? Is it easier or harder with a matrix?
It is "hard" to insert or delete into an array because the entire data structure has to shift when an insertion is made. Because matricies are two demensional arrays, I am going to say no.

No? No to easier or no to harder? On "B", tell me more about how you get different frames. Mark Guzdial

B. Diffrent frames are obtained by using the root and then adding children to the root. For example, when the threatening wolves entered and then ran towards the village before the evil guy popped up and scared them. So, you would add children and change their x and y positions with code and then draw on the picture and add the frames.
C. Harder with a matrix.

No, that's not really how we got frames in the animation. Each frame was a rendering of the tree to a picture – that's a frame. We then changed the tree in some way – moved something, added something, removed something. We then re-rendered the tree to a new picture – that's a new frame. Do you remember this process? The role of the tree is much as you say in B (but it could be clearer), but the process has to do with rendering the tree to a frame. Mark Guzdial

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