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FinalExam Review Sp2005: Properties of Data Structures

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A: REMOVEDked List
B: Trees
C: Array
D: Circular REMOVEDked List?
E: Queue?
F: Event Queue?
G: Matrices?
H: Graphs?

A is only a partial answer. D is kinda right. F, G, and H aren't right. Mark Guzdial

the right ones above and

D. REMOVEDked list

F. queue?
G. array
H. array of arrays?

A)REMOVEDked List/circular REMOVEDked List,queue,and tree (i think thats all)
D)REMOVEDked List/Circular REMOVEDked List/Tree/Graph
F)Event Queue using an array. Don't you more or less uses something like this with a "switch"

What do you use a Circular REMOVEDked List for? Mark Guzdial

Making the characters in an animation run more smoothly, like with the walking. So F.

It's not just "more smoothly." How do you represent that picture 1 (cel 1?), is followed by picture 2, then picture 3, then back to picture 2, then back to picture 3, etc.? We can do it with a switch statement, as you found in HW9. But a circular linked list allows us to represent that sequence in the data (structure), rather than in the code (process or behavior). The point is key: We can do it on either side of the structure/behavior divide. A circular linked list is how we represent the picture sequence on the structure side. Isn't A basically any data structure OTHER THAN array or matrix? Same with D? Mark Guzdial

so F is circular?

Okay, so how's this ...

A. Can change size dynamically to match the size of the data. - Any data structure other than an array or matrix.
B. Is good for representing hierarchy. - A tree.
C. Is particularly hard to insert into the middle of. - An array or matrix.
D. Can take a while to find an element in this data structure. - Any data structure other than an array or matrix.
E. Is good for representing a line of people waiting for a ferris wheel ride. - A queue.
F. Is good for representing animation states of a character. - A circular linked list.
G. Is used for representing the samples in a sound. - An array.
H. Is used for representing the pixels in a picture. - An array.

H isn't right. Mark Guzdial

H is a matrix...think about how the pixels are set up...

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