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Midterm exam 2 review Sp2005: Draw the Object Structures

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is this right for A:
root - two - one - one - one - one - three - three - three

Are those the sounds being made? Mark Guzdial

no. i thought the question said draw the objects.

Those are the variable names, not the objects. The objects are nodes that have sounds in them. (Strictly speaking, three and one aren't there at all – repeat creates copies of the objects, so the object referenced by "one" and "three" never appears in the list.) Mark Guzdial

i must not understand. my answer was a linked list of SoundElements. do you want the linked list format with the songs? also i noticed that there is a reinitialization of Sound s. i'm having trouble getting around this one.

is some stuff not written correctly or am i just way off? the last section of code that starts with SoundBranch never refers to branch3 again. are all the 'branch2's below it supposed to be 'branch3'?
also, i'm not sure how to draw a soundbranch as a child of another sound branch (as in the SB2 being a child of scaledbranch). i've got root: SB1 (children: guzissnap, clinksnapclave, guzisis) –> ScaledB (children: guzisgong, SB2 (children: clapissnap, clinksnapclave, chirpisis)) –> SB3 (children: ?)

For part A: is-cork-snap-snap-snap-snap-clap-clap-clap

the last Soundbranch, when you are describing the branch, are the children being added to Soundbranch2 or Soundbranch 3?

Has anyone tried to download that new set of Guzdials "java-source" folder....?

Why am i getting this error when i try to run my SoundTreeExample
java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: CollectableNode.add(LCollectableNode;)V

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