Audio Explorer

AudioExplorer is an educational technology for students to explore the physics of music. It is implemented in Squeak. For more information, e-mail



A formative evaluation was done using students in the Georgia Tech "Physics of Music" class. The set-up went as follows. Students working in pairs were given a music keyboard and a computer running AudioExplorer. The software allowed the students to analyze the sounds made by playing around with the keyboard.

AudioExplorer Usage

To Try AudioExplorer

  1. Set up Squeak2.8 on your system
  2. Download AudioExplorer.cs.gz to the Squeak directory
  3. In Squeak, find AudioExplorer.cs.gz with the FileList
  4. Decompress AudioExplorer.cs.gz
  5. File in AudioExplorer.cs
  6. Do (AudioExplorer openWithKeys: 61)