SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS: This should run in Mac OS X, Jaguar and Panther versions, and appears to work in OS 9 as well, although we have only been working in OS X - which we recommend using for the tutorial. It assumes a screen resolution of 1024 X 768 or more. INSTALLATION Download the .sitx file and unpack it on your machine. Any convenient directory should work as a destination. A folder named "Tutorial Models (Mac)" should result. Open it and you should see three folders named "Software Check", "Williams Exercise", and "Wickens Exercise", and a file named "EpicLicense.txt" with legal stuff in it. BASIC CHECK Please verify that the EPIC software will run properly on your machine by doing the following: Step 1. Open the Software Check folder, and Double-click the "EpicApp (Carbon)" icon to launch the model application. You should see a Menu bar that says "EpicApp (Carbon) File Edit Control", and a set of windows in three rows, labeled (left-to-right, top-to-bottom) as follows: Physical Vision, Sensory Vision, Perceptual Vision, Physical Audition, Sensory Audition, Perceptual Audition, Normal Output The Vision windows should each have a small circle and a larger concentric circle centered in them. Step 2. Open the "Control" menu and select "Compile ..."; you should get a file opening dialog titled "Open production rule file". Navigate to the the directory containing this file and choose "VPTS_Demo.prs" as the production rule file. In the "Normal Output" window, you should see a message giving the full file path, ending in "VPTS_Demo.prs compiled." Step 3. Open the "Control" menu and select "Run". Stuff should appear and disappear in the windows. Some strings of hyphens and "O" (e.g. "O---") should have appeared in the Vision windows, and strings containing "Headphones" and "Beep" should have appeared in the Audition windows. The Normal Output window should have a lot of material in it, starting with a long listing of parameters, and ending with pairs of lines like: Trial 1 VM RT 574 Trial 1 AV T 599 (the exact numbers may vary). Step 4. If you repeatedly select Control/Run (or use the shortcut key), similar stuff should happen until after trial 10, you should get messages giving average RTs and the statement Simulation Done! If you have successfully gotten to this point, it looks like the Epic software runs correctly on your machine. The model being run is a Visual-Manual/Auditory-Vocal simultaneous choice reaction dual task. OTHER CHECKS 1. Check that the other models run. If you start the EpicApp applicat in the Wickens Exercise folder, and then Compile the rules in the same folder in the file "WStarterRules.prs", and then select Run, you should see lots of things happening in the Vision windows, and final lines in the Normal Output window giving statistics for Easy Tracking and various Separations. Details on this model are part of the tutorial. Similarly, you can try running the model in the Williams Exercise folder, which should produce colored geometric shapes in the Space windows. 2. Check the logging facility. Open the "Control" menu and select "Logging ..." and then in the "Logging" dialog, select "Open File." Navigate to this directory, and click on "Save". The "Logging" dialog should show a checked box labelled "Log to Epic_log.txt". Click on OK. The "Normal Output" window should say "Logging started." Run the model some more to produce some output. Then open the "Logging" dialog and select "Close File" and "OK". In the Finder, locate and open the "Epic_log.txt" This file should open in a text editor so that you can view the record of the output that appeared in the "Normal Output" window. 3. Check that you can edit the production rule files. In the Finder, double-click on the "VPTS_Demo.prs" file. It should open in a text editor. You want to edit and save these files as plain-text files (no embedded formatting codes). If you have a programming environment on your machine (e.g. CodeWarrior) its text editor is probably the best one to use. Otherwise, you may need to adjust your text editor or system settings to use e.g. TextEdit with saving as plain-text files. If you are using Mac OS 9, try changing the name to Demo.txt and using SimpleEdit.