1999 First Author Search
- arcioni Accurate Electromagnetic Characterization of Quasi-Optical Planar Structures , P. Arcioni, M. Bozzi, L. Perregrini, A. Laso
- arcioni Efficient Analysis of Quasi-Optical Filters by the BI-RME Method , P. Arcioni, M. Bozzi, L. Perregrini, A. Laso
- baryshev A Wide Band Ring Slot Antenna Integrated Receiver, A. , S. Shitov, A. Ermakov, L. Fillipenko, R. Dmitriev
- benford Transmission Properties of ZITEX in the Infrared to Submillimeter, D. Benford, M. Gaidis, J. Kooi
- chattopadhyay A 550 GHz Dual Polarized Quasi-Optical SIS Mixer , G. Chattopadhyay, D. Miller, J. Zmuidzinas, H. LeDuc
- cherednicbenko YBa2Cu307 Hot-Electron Bolometer with Submicron Dimensions , S. Cherednicbenko, F. Ronnung, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon, D. Winkler
- chin A 200 GHz Near Field Measurement System , C. Chin, S. Yang, R. Hu, S. Shen
- chouvacv Optimization of the Normal Metal Hot-Electron Microbolometer , D. Chouvacv, D. Gohibev, M. Tarasov, L. Kuzmin
- delange Development of High-T, Detectors For Sub-MM Radiation , G. DeLange, P. de Korte, O. Harnack, M. Darula
- dillner Heterostructure Barrier Varactors on Copper Substrate for Generation of Millimeter- and Submillimeter-Waves , L. Dillner, J. Stake, S. Hollung,
C. Mann, E. Kollberg
- dillner The Complete Analytical Simulation of Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Multipliers ,L. Dillner, M. Oldfield, C. Mann,B. Alderman
- duerr Design of a Distributed Terahertz Photomixer , E. Duerr, K. Mcintosh, S. Verghese
- echternach Fabrication of an Aluminum Based Hot Electron Mixer for Terahertz Applications , P. Echternach, H. LeDuc, A. Skalare, W.R. McGrath
- erickson Progress in Planar Diode Balanced Doublers , N. Erickson, T. Crowe, W. Bishop, R. Smith, S. Martin
- erickson A Fast and Sensitive Submillimeter Waveguide Power Meter , N. Erickson
- floet Receiver Measurements at 700 GHz with a Niobium Diffusion-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer , D. Floet, J. Gao, T. Klapwijk, W. Ganzevles, G. de Lange, P. de Korte
- floet Comparison Between Electronic Hot Spot Model and Current-Voltage Characteristics of Superconducting Hot-Electron Bolometers, D. Floet, J. Gao, T. Klapwijk,P. de Korte
- galin 177-207 GHz Radiometer Front End, Single-Side-Band Measurements , I. Galin, C. Schnitzer, R. Dengler.O, Quintero
- ganzevles Twin-Slot Antenna Coupled Nb Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers at 1 THz and 2.5 THz , W. Ganzevles, J. Gao, G. de Lange, D. Floet, A. van Langen, L. Swart ,T. Klapwijk, P. de Korte
- gerecht Improved Characteristics of NbN, E. Gerecht, C. Musante
- harnack Microwave Mixing and IF Bandwidth in Sub-micron Long High-T, Hot-Electron Bolometers , O. Harnack, B. Karasik, W. McGrath, A. Kleinsasser, J. Barner
- heslerA Fixed-Tuned 400 GHz Subharmonic Mixer Using Planar Schottky Diodes , J. Hesler, K. Hui, S. He, T. Crowe
- hollung A 141-GHz Quasi-Optical HBV Diode Frequency Tripler , S. Hollung, J. Stake, L. Dillner, E. Kollberg
- Il_in Charaterization of the Electron Energy Relaxation Process in NbN Hot-Electron Devices , K. Il'in, G. Gol'tsman, B. Voronov, R. Sobolewski
- jackson DC and Terahertz Response in Nb SIS Mixers with NbTiN Striplines , B. Jackson, N. Iosad, W. Laauwen, G. deLange, J. Gao, H. van de Stadt, T. Klapwijk
- jian HEB Mixers Integrated with Log-Periodic Antennas , H. Jian, Y. Zhuang, K. Yngvesson, J. Dickinson, T. Goyette, 1. Waldman, P. Yagoubov, G. Gol'tsman, A. Voronov, E. Gershenzon
- karpov A Broad Band Low Noise SIS Radiometer, A. Karpov, J. Blondel, P. Dmitriev, V. Koshelets
- kawamura Submillimeter SIS Mixers Using High Current Density Nb/AIN/Nb Tunnel Junctions and NbTiN Films , J. Kawamura, D. Miller, J. Chen, J. Kooi, 1. Zmuidzinas, B. Bumble ,H. LeDuc, J. Stern
- kooi Regarding the IF Output Conductance of SIS Tunnel Junctions and The Integration with Cryogenic InP MMIC Amplifiers , J. Kooi, F. Rice, G.Chattopadhyay, S.Sundarum, S. Weinreb, T. Phillips
- lee A Modified Harmonic-Balance Analysis of Schottky Diode Multipliers Based Upon a Hydrodynamic Transport Model , C. Lee, B. Gelmont, D. Woolard, C. Fazi
- li Gain and Noise Spectra for YBa2Cu307 Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers, C.-T. Li, G. Schoenthal, B. Deaver, R. Weikle II, M. Lee, R. Rao, C. Eom
- lin Anti-Parallel Planar Schottky Diodes for Subharmonically-Pumped 220 GHz/Mixer , C.I. Lin, M, Rodriguez-Girones, A. Simon, J, Zhang, P. Piironen, V. Mottonen, J. Louhi,H. Hartnagel, A. Raisanen
- marazita Progress in Submillimeter Wavelength Integrated Mixer Technology, S. Marazita, K. Hui, J. Hesler, W. Bishop, T. Crowe
- matsuura Traveling-Wave Photomixers Based On Noncollinear Optical/Terahertz Phase-Matching , S. Matsuura, G. Blake, J. Pearson, R. Wyss, C. Kadow, A. Jackson, A. Gossard
- merkel A Hot Spot Mixer Model for Superconducting Phonon-Cooled HEB Far Above the Quasiparticle Bandgap , H. Merkel, P. Khosropanah, P. Yagoubov, E. Kollberg
- mueller Time Resolved Measurements of Flux-Flow Oscillator Linewidth, U. Mueller and K. Jacobs
- narayanan Low Cost Direct Machining of Terahertz Waveguide Structures , G. Narayanan, N. Erickson, R. Grosslein
- o_sullivan The Gaussian Beam Mode Analysis of Phase Gratings , C. O'Sullivan, J. Murphy, N. Trappe, W. Lanigan, R. Colgan, S. Withington
- porterfield A 200 GHz Broadband, Fixed-Tuned, Planar Doubler , D. Porterfield
- puetz E-Beam SIS Junction Fabrication Using CMP and E-Beam Defined Wiring Layer , P. Puetz, K. Jacobs
- rice Fast Harmonic Balance of SIS Mixers with Multiple Junctions and Superconducting Circuits , F. Rice, J. Ward, J. Zmuidzinas, G. Chattopadhyay
- rosch NbN Phonon-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer Development at IRAM , C. Rosch, F. Mattiocco, K. Gundlach, K. Schuster
- schubert Noise Temperature and Sensitivity Of a NbN Hot-Electron Mixer at Frequencies From 0.7 THz to 5.2 THz , J. Schubert, A. Semenov,G. Gol'tsman, H. Hubers, G. Schwaab, B. Voronov, E. Gershenzon
- schwaab A High Resolution Spectrometer for the Investigation of Molecular Structures in the THz Range , C. Schwaab, H. Hubers, J. Schubert, P. Erichsen, G. Gol'tsman, A. Semenov, A. Verevkin, S. Cherednichenko, E. Gershenzon
- seta 640 GHz SIS Receiver System for JEM/SMILES on International Space Station , M. Seta, H. Masuko, T. Manabe, J. Inatani, JEM/SMlLIES Mission Team
- shitov Concept of a Superconducting Integrated Receiver with Phase-Lock Loop, S. Shitov, V. Koshelets, L. Filippenko, P. Dmitriev, A. Baryshev, W. Luinge,J. Gao
- skalare Frequency-Domain Analysis of Diffusion-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers, A. Skalare, W. McGrath, B. Bumble, H. LeDuc
- stake Improved Diode Geometry for Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactors, J. Stake, L. Dillner, E. Kollberg, S. Hollung, C. Mann, S. Jones, M. Ingvarson, H. Mohamed, B. Alderman, M. Chamberlain
- van_de_stadt A Folded Fabry-Perot Diplexer Of Triangular Shape , H. van de Stadt
- veeramachaneni Web-Based Simulation of Mixers, Multipliers and Oscillators, V. Veeramachaneni, S. Ranade, T. O'Brien, S. Jones, G. Tait
- vystavkin Submillimeter Cryogenic Telescope with Andreev Type Microbolometer for the International Space Station. Project Submillimetron , A. Vystavkin, D. Chouvaev, T. Claeson, D. Golubev, V. Gromov, N. Kardashev, A. Kovalenko, V. Kurt, L. Kuzmin, M. Tarasov, A. Trubnikov, M. Willander
- walker A Dual Frequency (810/492 GHz) SIS Receiver System for the Authentic Submillimeter Telescope & Remote Observatory (AST/RO) , C. Walker, J. Kooi, K. Jacobs
- wang Combined Circuit-Device Time Domain Simulation of 2.5 THz GaAs Schottky Diode Mixers , H. Wang, S. Jones, G. Tait. C. Mann
- ward SuperMix: A Flexible Software Library for High-Frequency Circuit Simulation, Including SIS Mixers And Superconducting Elements , J. Ward, F. Rice,G. Chattopadhyay, J. Zmuidzinas
- watabe The Design Concept of a Terahertz Imager Using a Ge:Ga Photoconductor 2D Array, K. Watabe, M. Fujiwara, N. Hiromoto
- wilsher A Moderate Cost 2.5 THz High Performance Feedhorn , D. Wilsher, J. Spencer, C. Mann, M. Gaidis
- withington An Accurate Expression for the Input Impedances of One-Sided Microstrip Probes in Waveguide , S. Withington, G. Yassin, J. Leech, K. Isaak
- wyss Noise and Bandwidth Measurements of Diffusion-Cooled Nb Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers at Frequencies Above the Superconductive Energy Gap, R. Wyss, B. Karasik, W. McGrath, B. Bumble, H. LeDuc
- yagoubov NbN Hot Electron Bolometric Mixers at Frequencies Between 0.7 and 3.1 THz , P. Yagoubov, M. Kroug, H. Merkel, E. Kollberg, J. Schubert, H-W. Hubers, G. Schwaab, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon
- yassin Theoretical Analysis of the Potter Horn-Reflector Antenna for Submillimeter- Wave Applications , G. Yassin, S. Withington, P. Kittara, K. Isaak
- yngvesson Optimum Receiver Noise Temperature for NbN HEB Mixers According to the Standard Model, K. Yngvesson, E. Kollberg