1998 Table Of Contents
Opening Session
- Welcoming Remarks
,Carl Kukkonen
- SOFIA--A Versatile
Facility for Infrared and Submillimeter Astronomy in the New Millennium ,
M. Morris [abstract only]
Session 1: HEB Mixers 1
- Noise Performance of
Diffusion Cooled Hot Electron Bolometers: Theory vs, Experiment ,P. J.
Burke, R. J. Schoelkopf, 1. Siddiqi, D. E. Prober, A. Skalare, B. S. Karasik,
M. C. Gaidis, W. R. McGrath, B. Bumble, H. G. LeDuc
- First Light with an
800 GHz Phonon-Cooled HEB Mixer Receiver ,J. Kawamura, R. Blundell, c.- Y.
E. Tong, D. C. Papa, T. R. Hunter, G. Gol'tsrnan, S. Cherendichenko, B.
Voronov, E. Gershenzon
- Quasioptical
Phonon-Cooled NbN Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers at 0.5-1.1 THz ,S.
Svechnikov, A. Verevkin, B. Voronov, E. Menschikov, E. Gershenzon, G.
- Low Noise NbN
Phonon-Cooled Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixers at 810 GHz ,C. Roesch, T.
Lehnert, C. Schwoerer, M. Schicke, K. H. Gundlach, K. F. Schuster, F. Schaefer
Session 2: HEB Mixers II
- Resistive Behaviour of Nb
Diffusion-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometers ,D. W. Floet, J. 1. A. Baselmans,
1. R. Gao, T. M. Klapwijk
- Optimal Choice of
Material for HEB Superconducting Mixers ,B. Karasik, W. McGrath
- A Large Signal Model for
Phonon-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometric Mixers for THz Frequency Applications
,H. F. Merkel, E. L. Kollberg, K. S. Yngvesson
- Capacitively Coupled
Hot-Electron Microbolometer as a Perspective IR and Sub-mm Wave Sensor ,L.
S. Kuzmin
Session 3: HEB Mixers III
- Measured Results for
NbN Phonon-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometric Mixers at 0.6-0.75 THz, 1.56 THz,
and 2.5 THz ,E. Gerecht, C. F. Musante, H. Jian, K. S. Yngvesson, J.
Dickinson, J. Waldman, G. N. Gol'tsman, P. A. Yagoubov, B. M. Voronov, E. M.
- Measurements with a
Diffusion-Cooled Nb Hot-Electron Bolometer Mixer at 1100 GHz ,A. Skalare,
W. R. McGrath, B. Bumble, H. LeDuc
- NbN Hot-Electron Mixer
at Radiation Frequencies Between 0.9 THz and 1.2 THz ,Y. P. Gousev, H. K.
Olsson, G. N. GoJ'tsman, B. M. Voronov, E. M. Gershenzon
- Quasioptical NbN
Phonon-Cooled Hot Electron Bolometric Mixers with Low Optimal Local Oscillator
Power ,P. Yagoubov, M. Kroug, H. Merkel, E. Kollberg, G. Gol'tsrnan, A.
Lipatov, S. Svechnikov, E. Gershenzon
- Gain-Bandwidth
Characteristics of High- Tc Superconducting Millimeter- Wave Hot-Electron
Bolometer Mixers ,C.-T. Li, B. Deaver, Jr., R. M. Weikle, II, M. Lee, R.
A. Rao, C.B. Eom
Session 4 Schottky Diode Mixers
- 2.5 THz GaAs Monolithic
Membrane-Diode Mixer-A New Planar Circuit Realization for High Frequency
Semiconductor Components ,P. H. Siegel, R. P. Smith, M. Gaidis, S. Martin,
J. Podosek, U. Zimmermann
- On the Design and
Measurement of a 2.5 THz Waveguide Mixer ,C. M. Mann, D. N. Matheson, B.
N. Ellison, M. L. Oldfield, B. P. Moyna, J. J. Spencer, D. S.Wilsher, B. J.
- A Discussion of Power
Coupling Bandwidth Limitations of Planar Schottky Diodes at Submillimeter
Wavelengths ,J. L. Hesler, B. Gelmont
- A High Performance, 318
GHz Subharmonic (x3) Balanced Mixer ,I. Galin
- Quasi-Integrated Planar
Schottky Barrier Diodes for 2.5 THz Receivers ,T. Suzuki, C. Mann, T.
Yasui, H. Fujishima, K. Mizuno
Session 5: SIS Mixers and Receivers I
- A Tunerless SIS Mixer for
200-280 GHz with Low Output Capacitance and Inductance ,A. R. Kerr. S.-K.
Pan, A. W. Lichtenberger, H. H. Huang
- A 350 GHz Finline Mixer
Fed by a Hom-Reflector Antenna ,G. Yassin, S. Withington, M. Buffey, K.
Jacobs, S. Wulff
- An Integrated Sideband
Separating SIS Mixer for 200-280 GHz ,A. R. Kerr, S.-K. Pan, H. G. LeDuc
- Experimental Results of SIS
Mixer with Distributed Junction Arrays ,S.C. Shi, T. Noguchi. J. Inatani,
Y. Irimajiri, T. Saito
- Doubled Shot Noise in
Niobium SIS Mixers ,P. Dieleman, J. R. Gao, T. M. Klapwijk
Session 6: SIS Mixers and Receivers II
- Low Noise Fixed Tuned 490
GHz SIS Mixers Made of Epoxy Resin ,M. Sahr, D. Hottgenroth, S. Haas, K.
Jacobs, C. E. Honingh [abstract]
- A Low-Noise, 9-Element
Micromachined SIS Imaging Array ,G. de Lange, K. Konistis, Q. Hu, R.
Robertazzi, D. Osterman
- Results of the PIROG
8 Balloon Flight with an Embarked Experiment Based on a 425/441 GHz SIS
Receiver for 02 Search ,A. Deschamps, P. Encrenaz, P. Febvre, H. G.
Floren, S. George, B. Lecomte, B. Ljung, L. Nordh, G. Olofsson, L. Pagani, J.
R. Pardo, I. Peron, M. Sjoekvist, K. Stegner, L. Stenrnark, J. Tauber, C.
- Recent Progress on the
Superconducting Imaging Receiver at 500 GHz ,S. V. Shitov, A. B. Ermakov,
L. V. Filippenko, V. P. Koshelets, W. Luinge, A. M. Baryshev, J.-R. Gao, P.
Session 7: SIS Mixers and Devices
- Terahertz NbN/AlNlNbN
Mixers with AI/SiOlNbN Microstrip Tuning Circuits ,Y. Uzawa, Z. Wang, A.
- Low-Loss NbTiN Films for
THz SIS Mixer Tuning Circuits ,J. Kooi, J.A. Stern, G. Chattopadhyay, H.
LeDuc, B. Bumble, J. Zmuidzinas
- Fabrication of
Nb/AI-NxlNbTiN Junctions for SIS Mixer Applications Above 1 THz ,B.
Bumble, H. G. LeDuc, J. A. Sten
- Fabrication and
DC-Characterization of NbTiN Based SIS Mixers for Use Between 600 and 1200 GHz
,J. A. Stern, B. Bumble, H. G. LeDuc, J. W. Kooi, J. Zmuidzinas
Poster Session
- A 4x 1 GHz Array
Acousto-Optical Spectrometer for Air- and Spaceborne Observations in the
Submm Region ,J. Horn, C. Macke, F. Schloeder, F. Schmuelling, O.
Siebertz, R. Schieder
- Comparative Study of
the Bandwidth of Phonon Cooled NbN Hot-Electron Bolometers in Submillimeter and
Optical Wavelength Ranges ,K. S. II'in, S. 1. Cherednichenko, G. N.
Gol'tsrnan, M. Currie, R. Sobolewski
- Normal Metal
Hot-Electron Microbolometer with Andreev Mirrors for THz Space Applications
,D. Chouvaev, L. Kuzmin, M. Tarasov, P. Sundqvist, M. Willander, T.
- Single Sideband
Mixing at Submillimeter Wavelengths ,J. Inatani, S.-c. Shi, Y. Sekirnoto,
H. Masuko, S. Ochiai
- Noise and
Conversion Efficiency of High- Tc Superconductor Josephson Mixers ,O.
Harnack, S. Beuven, M. Darula, H. Kohlstedt.M. Tarasov, E. Stepantsov, Z.
- Design of 100-900
GHz AIGaAs/GaAs Planar Heterostructure Barrier Varactor Frequency Triplers
,J. Stake, L. Dillner, S. H. Jones, C. Mann, E. Kollberg
- A Compact 500 GHz
Planar Schottky Diode Receiver with a Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth ,B. J.
Maddison, R. J. Martin, M. L. Oldfield, C. M. Mann, D. B. Matheson, B. N.
Ellison, J. Thornton, W. J. Hall, D. M. Larnarre
- Computer Controlled,
Phase-Locked 126-147 GHz Transferred Electron Oscillator System ,T. Ye, S.
Jones, J. Carlstrom, R. Weikle
- Series Connection of
Resonant Tunneling Diodes for Eliminating Spurious Oscillations ,T. Fujii,
O. Boric-Lubecke, J. Bae. K. Mizuno
- Electromagnetic
Modeling of Objective Lenses in Combination with Integrated Lens Antennas
,M. J. M. van der Vorst, P. J. 1. de Maagt, M. H. A. J. Herben
- A Novel Radio-Wave
Alignment Technique for Millimeter and Sub-Millimeter Receivers ,C. Y. E.
Tong, M. T. Chen, D. C. Papa, R. Blundell
- Spectroscopic
Measurements of Optical Components Around I Terahertz ,D. J. Benford, J.
W. Kooi, E. Serabyn
- A Simple
Millimeter/Submillimeter-Wave Blackbody Load Suitable for Spaceborne
Applications ,P. H. Siegel, R. H. Tuffias, P. Goy
- Practical
Micromachining Techniques for High Aspect Ratio Submillimeter Wave Components
,V. M. Lubecke, C. M. Mann, K. Mizuno
- A Supra THz SIS
Heterodyne Receiver Using Waveguide/Membrane Technology , M. Salez, Y.
Delorme, I. Peron, J.M. Munier, D. Rovera, J.C. Villegier, V. Larrey
- Design of Mixer
Elements for the HHT 345 GHz Heterodyne Array Receiver ,G. Narayanan, C.
K. Walker, H. Knoepfle, J. Capara
- Low Noise Single
Sideband SIS Mixers for MM and Submillimeter Radio Astronomy ,A. Karpov,
J. Blondel, M. Voss, D. Billon-Pierron, P. Pasturel, K. H. Gundlach [abstract]
- A High-Power
Frequency-Stabilized Tunable TwoFrequency Diode Laser System for Generation of
Coherent Terahertz-Wave by Photomixing ,S. Matsuura, G. Blake, P. Chen, J.
C. Pearson, H. M. Pickett
Invited Talk
- The Focal Plane
Unit of the Heterodyne Instrument for FIRST: HIFI ,N. D. Whyborn, Th. de
Graauw, H. van de Stadt, V. Belitsky, R. Kruisinga, S. Torchinsky, H. Visser,
K. Wildeman
Session 8: Multiplier Sources
- A Local Oscillator
System for the FIRST Heterodyne Instrument ,G. W. Schwaab, J. C. Pearson,
N. D. Whyborn
- Wideband High
Efficiency Planar Diode Doublers ,N. Erickson
- A Broadband Frequency
Tripier for SIS Receivers ,S. Mahieu, C. M. Mann, J. Stake, L. Dillner, S.
H. Jones, E. Tong, J. Thornton
- A 430.5 GHz
Quasi-Optical HBV Frequency Tripler ,P. Arcioni, M. Bozzi, G. Conciauro,
H. L. Hartnagel, L. Perregrini, E. Sacchi, M. Shaalan, J. Weinzierl
Session 9: Schottky Diode Fabrication
- Planar Schottky Mixer
Development to 1 THz and Beyond ,S. M. Marazita, J. L. Hesler, R.d
Feinaugle, W. L. Bishop, T. W. Crowe
- Quartz-Based GaAs Schottky
Diodes-Lifetime and Failure Analysis ,R. Lin, A. Pease, R. Dengler, D.
Humphrey, T. Lee, S. Kayali, I. Medhi
- Physical Properties of
the Potential Barrier of Pt/n-GaAs Schottky Mixer Diodes ,H.-W. Hubers, H.
P. Roser
Session 10: Fundamental Sources
- Photomixing in
Low-Temperature-Grown GaAs ,S. Verghese, K. A. McIntosh, S. M. Duffy, E.
R. Brown, S. Calawa, K. Molvar, W. F. Dinatale, T. M. Lyszezarz
- A Coherent, Tunable,
FIR Source , J. H. Brownell, M. F. Kimmitt, J. C. Swartz, J. E. Walsh
- Electrical Generation
of Terahertz Current Oscillations in Ballistic Devices , A. N. Korshak, V.
V. Mitin
- Generation of CW-Terahertz
Radiation Using a Two-Longitudinal-Mode Laser Diode ,P. Gu, M. Tani, K.
Sakai,T. Hidaka
- 2.5 THz Laser Local
Oscillator for the EOS CHEM 1 Satellite , E. R. Mueller, W. E. Robotham,
Jr., R. P. Meisner, R. A. Hart, J. Kennedy, L.A. Newman
Session 11: Fundamental Sources II
- A W-Band HEMT Based
Power Amplifier Module for Millimeter-Wave LO Multipliers ,I. Mehdi, T.
Gaier, J. Kooi, B. Fujiwara, R. Lai
- Transient Simulation of
Harmonic TEO Circuits ,G. B. Tail, S. H. Jones
- GaAs TUNNETT Diodes and
InP Gunn Devices for Efficient Second-Harmonic Power Generation Above 200 GHz
,H. Eisele
Session 12: Detectors and Backends
- A Non-Bolomerric Model
for a Tunable Antenna-Coupled Intersubband Terahertz (TACIT) Detector ,C.
L. Cates, G. Briceno, M. S. Sherwin, K. D. Maranowski, A. C. Gossard
- Superconducting
Correlators for Radio Astronomy ,M. J. Feldman
- WASP; A Wideband Analog
Autocorrelation Spectrometer ,K. G. Isaak, A. I. Harris, J. Zmuidzinas