1995 First Author Search
- betz A Practical Schottky Mixer for 5 THz, A. L. Betz
- blundel A Fixed Tuned SIS Receiver for the 450 GHz Frequency Band, R. Blundell, C. Y.E. Tong, D.C. Papa, J.W. Barett, S. Paine, X. Zhang, J.A. Stern, and H. G. LeDuc
- brundermann Tunable p-Ge Laser in the Frequency Range from 1 to 4.5 THz, E. Brundermann and H.P. Roser
- boric_lubeckeEffect of the Increased Number of Diodes on the Performance of Oscillators with Series- Connected Tunnel Diodes, O. Boric-Lubecke, D.S. Pan, and T. ltoh
- chiao Terahertz Grid Frequency Doublers, J.C. Chiao, A. Markelz, Y. Li, J. Hacker, T. Crowe, J. Allen, and D. Rutledge
- delange Micromachined Millimeter-Wave SIS-Mixers, G. de Lange, B.R. Jacobson and Q. Hu
- east Monte Carlo Simulation of Schottky Barrier Mixers and Varactors, J. East
- eisele InP Gunn Devices and GaAs TUNNETT Diodes as Low-Noise High-Performance Local Oscillators in Fundamental Mode, H. Eisele and G. I. Haddad
- elkstrom 350 GHz NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer, H. Elkstrom, B. Karasik, E. Kollberg, G. Gol'tsman and E. Gershenzon
- erickson A Waveguide TripIer for 720-880 GHz, N. Erickson and J. Tuovinen
- erickson A Self-Biased Antiparallel Planar Varactor Diode, N. Erickson
- febvre Analytical Treatment and Optimum Parameters for DSB SIS Receivers, P. Febvre
- gaidisDesign and Characterization of Two-Junction Tuning Circuits for Submillimeter SIS Mixers, M.C. Gaidis, M. Bin, D. Miller, J. Zmuidzinas, H.G. LeDuc and J.A. Stern
- gauthier Off-Axis Beam Patterns of Extended-Hemispherical Dielectric Lens Antennas: Theory and Experiment at 250 GHz, G. Gauthier, D. Filipovic, S. Raman, and G. M. Rebeiz
- gerecht Hot Electron Detection and Mixing Experiments in NbN at 119 Micrometer Wavelength, E. Gerecht, C.F. Musante, R. Schuch, C.R. Lutz Jr., K.S. Yngvesson, E.R. Mueller, J. Waldman, G.N. Gol'tsman, E.M. Gershenzon
- glisten HHT Instrumentation - Present and Future, Rolf Glisten
- goltsman Noise Temperature of NbN Hot Electron Bolometer Quasioptical Superconducting Mixer in 200-700 GHz Range, G.N. Gol'tsman, B.S. Karasik, S.I. Svechnikov, E.M. Gershenzon, H. Eskstrom, E. Kollberg
- grub A Novel Micron-Thick Whisker Contacted Schottky Diode Chip, A. Grub, A. Simon, H. 1. Hartnagel, J. Bune, M. Raum, and H. Brand
- grub Electrolytic Deposition Techniques for the Fabrication of Submicron Anodes , A. Grub, C. Lin, and H. L. Hartnagel
- hesler The Design, Construction, and Evaluation of a 585 GHz Planar Schottky Receiver,J. L. Hesler, T. W. Crowe, R.F. Bradley, S. K. Pan, R. M. Weikle, and G. Chattopadhyay
- honingh An 800 GHz Receiver Using Nb/ Al2O3/Nb SIS Junctions, C. E. Honingh, K. Jacobs, D. Hottgenroth, S. Haas, and J. Stutzki
- jaminet A Circular Waveguide SIS Receiver for 600-720 GHz, P. A. Jaminet, J.A. Stern, H.G. LeDuc, S. Shepard, J. Kawamura, and X. Zhang
- jones Self Consistent Physics-Based Numerical Device and Harmonic Balance Circuit Analysis of Heterostructure Barrier and Schottky Barrier Varactors Including Thermal Effects, J. R. Jones, S. H. Jones, and G. B. Tait
- karpov Noise Properties of a Mixer with SIS NbN Quasiparticle Tunnel Junctions, A. Karpov, B. Plathner, K.H. Gundlach, M. Aoyagi, and S. Takada
- karpov Low Noise Mixer with the Nb-AI Oxide-Al-Nb Tunnel Junctions for a Multibeam 345 GHz Receiver, A. Karpov, D. Maier, J. Blondel, B. Lazareff, and K.H. Gundlach
- karasik Analysis of the Noise Performance of a Hot Electron Superconduction Bolometer Mixer, B. S. Karasik, A.I. Elantev
- kawamura NbN Hot Electron Mixer Measuremenst At 200 GHz, J. Kawamura, R. Blundell, C.Y.E. Tong, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenzon, B. Vorinov
- kooi The Development of an 850 GHz Waveguide Receiver Using Tuned SIS Junctions on 1 micron Si3N4 Membranes, J.W. Kooi, M.S. Chan, M.Bin, B. Bumble, H.G. LeDuc, C.K. Walker, and T.G. Phillips
- kooi 180-500 GHz Low Noise SIS Waveguide Receivers Employing Tuned Nb/Al-Oxide/Nb Tunnel Junctions, J. W. Kooi, M. Chan, B. Bumble, H. G. LeDuc, M. Bin, and T. G. Phillips
- louhi Effect of Voltage Modulation on the Shape of the Depeletion Layer of a Submillimeter Wave Schottky Varactor, J. Louhi and A. Raisanen
- marsh Low-Noise MOVPE-Grown Planar InGaAs Mixer Diodes, P. Marsh, H. Kong, and D. Pavlidis
- martin The Submillimeter Telescope Observatory (SMTO): Current Status, Robert Martin
- martin Submicron Schottky-Collector AlAs/InGaAs Resonant Tunnel Diodes, S.C. Martin, R.E. Muller, K. Nummila, R.P. Smith, M. Reddy, M.J. Mondry, M.J. W. Rodwell, D. H. Chow, and J. N. Schulman
- mcgrath Hot Electron Bolometer Mixers for Submillimeter Wavelengths: An Overview of Recent Developments,W. McGrath
- okunev Performance of Hot Electron Superconducting Mixer for Frequencies Less than the Gap Energy: NbN Mixer for 100 GHz Operation, O. Okunev, A. Dzardanov, G. Gol'tsman, E. Gershenov
- padin An Integrated SIS Mixer and HEMT IF Amplifier, S. Padin, D.P. Woody, J.A. Stern, H.G. LeDuc, R. Blundell, C.-Y.E. Tong, and M.W. Pospieszalski
- qin 60 GHz Monolithic Schottky Varactor Transmission Beam Switching Array, X. Qin, W-M. Zhang, C.W. Domier, N.C. Luhmann, Jr., W. Berk, S. Duncan, and D.W. Tu
- salez NbN Mixers and Tuning Circuits for 630 GHz: Design and Preliminary Measurements, M. Salez, P. Febvre, W.R. McGrath, J.A. Stern, and H.G. LeDuc
- scherschel A 16-Element SIS Receiver for 455-495 GHz for the Heinrich Hertz Telescope, M. A. Scherschel, G.A. Ediss, R. Glisten, K.H. Gundlach, H. Hauschildt, C. Kasemann, A. Korn, D. Maier, and G. Schneider
- shitov A Superconducting Planar Integrated Receiver for the Frequency Range 430-480 GHz, S. V. Shitov, V. P. Koshelets, 1. L. Lapitskaya, L. V. Filippenko, A. M. Baryshev, T. de Graauw, H. Schaefer, H. van de Stadt, and W. Luinge
- skalare Noise Temperature and IF Bandwidth of a 530 GHz Diffusion Cooled Hot Electron Bolometer Mixer, A. Skalare, W. McGrath, B. Bumble, H.G. Leduc, P.J. Burke, A.A. Verheijen, D. E. Prober
- stark Installation of the Antarctic Sub-mm Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST IRO), Antony Stark
- titz 2.5 THz Airborne Heterodyne System for Measurement of Stratospheric OH , R. Titz, M. Birk, D. Hausamann, R. Nitsche, F. Schreier, J. Urban, H. Kullmann, and H.P. Roser
- tong A Fixed Tuned Low Noise SIS Receiver For The 600 GHz Frequency Band, C.Y.E. Tong, R. Blundell, D.C. Papa, J. W. Barnett, S. Paine, X. Zhang, J.A. Stern and H.G. LeDuc
- tuovinen Tolerance Analysis of a 500 GHz Amplitude Hologram, Taavi Hirvonen, Jussi Tuovinen, and Antti Raisanen
- van_de_stadt A 1 THz Nb SIS Heterodyne Mixer with Normal Metal Tuning Structures , H. Van de Stadt, A. Baryshev, P. Dieleman, T. Klapwijk, S. Kovtonyuk, G. de Lange, I. Lapitskaya, J. Mees, R. Pan-huyzen, G. Prokopenko, and H. Schaeffer
- wengler 345 GHz Radiation from a Quasioptical Josephson Oscillator, M.J. Wengler, B. Guan, and E.K. Track
- woody On Using the Shot Noise in SIS Tunnel Junctions for Characterizing IF Amplifiers , D.P. Woody, S. Padin, H.G. LeDuc, and J.A. Stern
- wright Integrated Silicon Micromachined Waveguide Circuits for Submillimeter Wave Applications, J. Wright, B. Bumble, H. LeDuc, W. McGrath, and Y. Tai
- yu Theoretical and Experimental Studies of NbBased Tuning Circuits for THz SIS Mixers, V. Yu. Belitskv, S.W. Jacobsson, L.V. Filippenko, and E.L. Kollberg
- zhang Monolithic Nonlinear Transmission Line, W.M. Zhang, X. Qin, F. Jiang, G. Song, Y. Li, C.W. Domier, and N.C. Luhmann, Jr.
- zimmermann An All Solid-State 1 THz Radiometer For Space Applications , R. Zimmermann, T. Rose, and T. Crowe
- zybura 115-145 GHz Stable Depletion Layer SecondHarmonic Transferred Electron Oscillators, M.F. Zybura, S.H. Jones, J.E. Carlstrom, and J.D. Crowley