Research ProjectsPlease note that this list of projects has not been update for a number of years. It is, however, indicative of the type research that I am undertaking. Inverse Problems in Power System Dynamics Analysis of Uncertainties in Power System
Simulation Power System Parameter Estimation Stability of Limit Cycles in Hybrid Systems Stability and Optimization of Transformer Tapping Optimal Load Shedding to Alleviate Voltage Instability Parameter Values that Induce Marginal Stability Last updated 25 April 2001 Inverse
Problems in Power System Dynamics
Analysis of power system dynamic behavior frequently takes the form of inverse problems, where the aim is to find parameter values that achieve (as closely as possible) a desired response. Examples include parameter estimation, quantifying parameter uncertainty, boundary value problems, and optimal control. The project is developing algorithms for solving such inverse problems. Power system behavior inherently involves interactions between continuous dynamics and discrete events. A systematic hybrid systems framework for modeling, analysis and algorithms is being pursued. Trajectory Sensitivity Analysis of Hybrid SystemsThe development of trajectory sensitivity analysis for hybrid systems, such as power systems, is the main focus of this research. Crucial to this analysis is the development of jump conditions describing the behavior of sensitivities at discrete events such as switching and impulse action. Trajectory sensitivities can be computed efficiently as a by-product of numerical simulation, and underlie gradient-based algorithms for solving inverse problems. The project is extending earlier analysis to systems that contain variable time delays. Following a large disturbance, trajectory sensitivities tend to exhibit more pronounced transient behavior than the underlying trajectory. The project is investigating ways of exploiting this phenomenon as an indicator of impending instability. Of particular interest is the role played by the principal singular surface (PSS). As a trajectory evolves, the transient Jacobian of the flow becomes singular on the PSS. Within the principal region (bounded by the PSS), trajectory sensitivities contract. Beyond the PSS, sensitivities expand, but typically in a single dimension related to the separation mode. Analysis of Uncertainties in Power System Simulation
Power System
Parameter Estimation
The nonlinear non-smooth nature of power system dynamics complicates the process of validating system models from disturbance measurements. This project is investigating algorithms for computing a set of model parameters that provide the best fit between measurements and model response. Trajectory sensitivities are used to identify parameters that can be reliably estimated from available measurements. Stability of Limit Cycles in Hybrid SystemsLimit cycles are common in hybrid systems. However the non-smooth dynamics of such systems makes stability analysis difficult. We have been using recent extensions of trajectory sensitivity analysis to obtain the characteristic multipliers of non-smooth limit cycles. The stability of a limit cycle is determined by its characteristic multipliers. Numerous applications have been explored, ranging from on/off control of coupled tanks, through power electronic circuits, to the walking motion of a biped robot. Period-doubling bifurcations have been explored in these latter cases. Multi-layer SystemsCommunications networks play a significant role in the multi-layer representation of power systems. The communications network model being proposed is based on a conceptual abstraction involving finite channel and node capacities that trigger changes in message transmission delays. Numerical integration of systems that incorporate such variable time delay models is not straightforward. This is especially so when considering the switched (hybrid) nature of system behavior. The project is investigating various techniques to handle variable time delays within numerical integration techniques. An important criterion is that algorithms must be capable of efficiently computing trajectory sensitivities. Stability and Optimization of Transformer Tapping
Optimal Load Shedding to Alleviate Voltage InstabilityLoad shedding provides an effective (though drastic) control strategy for alleviating voltage instability. However the disruption to consumers caused by load shedding should be minimized. This project is developing optimal control techniques that are applicable in this hybrid system setting. The aim is to determine locations and shedding times that minimize the total shed load. Parameter Values that Induce Marginal Stability
In order to maintain marginal stability, perturbations in some parameters must be matched by compensating changes in other parameters. The project is developing sensitivity relationships between the two groups of parameters. These sensitivities form the predictor in a predictor-corrector continuation method for tracing the parameter space view of the stability boundary. Power Flow Solution Space