Alfred Hero - Research Activities

Alfred Hero's research has been supported by DOE, NIH, NSF, AFOSR, NSA, ARO, ONR, DARPA and by private industry

This research has been sponsored by the following grants

  • "Solar Storms and Terrestrial Impacts Center (SOLSTICE)," (3/1/2020-2/28/2022), \$1,202,162. NASA grant 80NSSC20K0600. PI: Tamas Gambosi, Co-PI A Hero.

  • "Robust AI Guided by the Immune System," (1/6/2020-7/6/2021), \$1,097,163. DARPA grant DE-NA0003921. PI: Indika Rajapakse, Senior Personnel: A Hero.

  • "Consortium for Enabling Technologies and Innovation: multimodality data integration for verification and safeguards," (10/1/2019-9/30/2024), \$799,479. Dept of Energy (DOE) grant DE-NA0003921. Georgia Tech PI: Anna Erikson (Prime), UM PI Al Hero.

  • "Multiscale biofilm data-model integration and experimental design," (6/1/2019-5/31/2023), \$799,297. Army Research Office (ARO) grant W911NF1910269. USC PI: James Boedicker (Prime), UM PI Al Hero.

  • "Geometry of Information and Computation Workshop," (6/1/2017-12/31/2017), \$29,779. Army Research Office (ARO) grant FA8650-15-D-1845. PI Al Hero.

  • "Models and methods for detecting and tracking interactions," (6/1/2015-5/30/2016), \$70,249. Direct: Wright State University, Prime: Dept. of the Air Force grant FA8650-15-D-1845. PI Al Hero.

  • "PREdicting contagion using Systems and Genomic analysis (PRESAGE) - Phase I and II," (5/12/2017-9/14/2020), \$404,990. Direct: Duke University PI Chris Woods, Prime: Dept. of Defense (DARPA) grant N66001-17-2-4014. UM PI Al Hero.

  • "Adaptive exploitation of non-commutative multimodal information structure," (8/17/2015-8/16/2019), \$3,750,000. ARMY MURI grant W911NF-15-1-0479. PI Negar Kiyavash (UIUC).

  • "Covariance estimation methods using regularization techniques developed for multidimensional processes," (8/1/2015-7/31/2018), \$455,000. Dept. of Air Force under grant FA8650-15-D-1845. PI Al Hero.

  • "Reaction network reconstruction for modeling of dynamic pathways," (5/1/2015-4/30/2018), \$455,000. Army Research Office under grant W911NF-15-1-0241. PI Angela Violi.

  • "Consortium for Verification Technology," (09/01/14-08/31/19), \$20,000,000. Department of Energy. PI. Sara Pozzi. "This work was funded by the Consortium for Verification Technology under Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration award number DE-NA0002534"

  • "Sample-starved large scale network analysis," (02/01/2013-01/31/2016), \$750,000. Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant FA9550-13-1-0043. Joint with Bala Rajaratnam (Stanford). (A Hero PI).

  • "Distribution-Adaptive Prediction and Classification," (09/01/2012-12/31/2015), \$499,923. National Science Foundation under grant CCF-1217880. (C. Scott PI).

  • "Social Informatics Program: Emergent spatio-temporal behavior in social networks," (08/23/2012-07/22/2016), \$580K. Army Research Office under grant W911NF-12-1-0443. (A. Hero PI).

  • "Data fusion for detection of anomalous structures," (06/01/2012-06/30/2013), \$115K. UES subcontract S-875-040-008 under prime USAF/AFMC grant FA8650-9-D-5037/04. (A. Hero PI).

  • "Creation of an anatomic map of cardiac electrocardiograms," (02/01/12-01/31/14), \$50K. Cardiovascular Center Grant.(F. Bogun PI, With S. Swanson and L. Han).

  • "Performance-driven inference and provisioning in multiple platform ATR radar systems," (09/01/2011-12/31/2012), \$160K. Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate under grant FA8650-07-D-1220-0006. (M. Islam is PI of record).

  • ``Muri: Value-Centered Information Theory For Adaptive Learning, Inference, Tracking and Exploitation,'' (08/01/11-07/31/16) MURI - Army Research Office (ARO). Grant number: W911NF-11-1-0391. PI: A.O. Hero. Collaboration between University of Michigan (Hero, Nadakuditi), Ohio State (Moses, Ertin), MIT (Fisher, How, Willsky), Berkeley (Jordan), and UCLA (Soatto).

  • ``Sparse representation of multimodality sensing databases for data mining and retrieval,'' (08/01/10-07/31/15) Army Research Office (ARO). Grant number: W911NF-09-1-0310. PI: A.O. Hero.
  • ``Clinico-molecular predictors of presymptomatic infectious disease," (06/01/09-05/31/11) DARPA phase II PHD Program grant XXXX. Collaboration between Duke Univ (Ginsburg, Zaas, Woods, Carin, Veldman, Mclain, Nicholson) and Univ of Michigan (Hero), DARPA Project PI: J. Ginsburg at Duke. UM co-PI A. Hero.

  • ``Identification of effectors of hox protein mediated leukemogenesis,'' (02/01/2009-01/31/2010) \$50K, CCMB. A collaborative effort to support PhD studies of Y. Huang. co-PI's J. Hess and A.O. Hero.

  • "Performance-Driven Multimodality Sensor Fusion," (06/01/2009-11/30/2011), \$250K, Air Force Office of Scientific Research grant number FA9550-09-1-0471. PI: A.O. Hero. co-PI: R. Raich (Oregon State Univ).

  • "Automatic three dimensional (3D) registration for enhanced cancer management," (04/09/2009-8/31/2014), \$7M, National Institutes of Health, grant number 2P01CA087634-06A2. PI: C. Meyer.

  • "Automated Target Recognition Center," (04/09/2009-8/31/2014), \$100K, Air Force Research Laboratory through Signal Innovations Group subcontract, grant number FA8650-07-D-1221-TO1. PI: L. Carin.

  • "Learning and Adapting to Spatio-Temporal Anomalies," (9/1/2008-8/31/2011), \$564,341, National Science Foundation, grant number CCF 0830490. PI: C. Scott.

  • "Distributed active network sensing and estimation (DANSE)," (1/1/2008-12/31/2012), \$600,000, DIGITEO. PI: A. Hero.

  • "Network Tomography for Structure Discovery," (6/4/2008-6/5/2009), \$140,000, Office of Naval Research grant number N00014-08-1-1065. PI: A. Hero.

  • ``Utility-weighted sensor management for missile defense," Missile Defense Agency (10/01/07-05/31/08), UM subcontract from TechFinity, Inc. PI: A. Hero.

  • ``Clinico-molecular predictors of presymptomatic infectious disease," DARPA Phase I PHD Program (06/01/07-05/31/08), DARPA grant number N66001-07-C-2024. Collaboration between Duke Univ, SRI and Univ of Michigan, DARPA Project PI: J. Ginsberg at Duke. UM co-PI A. Hero.

  • "Integrated fusion, performance prediction, and sensor management for automated target exploitation," AFOSR (08/01/05-) Air Force Office of Scientific Research Award No. FA9550-06-1-0324 (PI Randy Moses, OSU). This is a collaborative MURI project with Lee Potter, Alan Willsky, John Fisher, Mujdat Cetin, David Castanon, and Klem Carl.

  • "Entropic methods for integrated sensing and processing," (11/1/04-10/31/06) Raytheon Missile Systems (H. Schmitt, PI). This is a subcontract to UM from a parent federal contract to Raytheon from Defense Sciences Ofiice under Office of Naval Research contract N00014-04-C-0437

  • "Advancement of Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy to Single Nuclear Spin Detection," (05/01/05-04/31/10) Army Research Office W911NF-05-1-0403. This grant is a collaborative effort with Univ of Washington (J. Sidles PI), John Marohn (Cornell), and Michigan (Alfred Hero, Jeffrey Fesseler)

  • "Modular strategies for internetwork monitoring," (9/1/03-8/31/08) National Science Foundation CCR-0325571. This grant is a collaborative ITR grant with Univ. Wisconsin (R. Nowak, P. Barford) and Boston Univ. (E. Kolaczyk, M. Crovella).

  • "Single spin magnetic resonance force microscopy," (2002-2004) IBM subcontract under DARPA-MOSAIC (Molecular Observation, Spectroscopy and Imaging using Cantilevers) Program. DARPA MOSAIC program under ARO contract DAAD19-02-C-0055

  • "Sequential adaptive multi-modality target detection and classification using physics-based models," DARPA MURI program under ARO contract DAAD19-02-1-0262 (2002-2007)

  • "Automatic 3D Registration for Enhanced Cancer Management," (P01) National Institutes of Health (Cancer Institute) grant No. NIH 1PO1 CA87634-01 (2002-2007)

  • "Challenges in Pattern Recognition," National Science Foundation CCR-0223741 (2002-2003)

  • "Radionucleides: radiation detection and quantification," (R01) National Institutes of Health (Cancer Institute) CA87634-01. (1980-)

  • "Enabling technologies for intelligent vehicle applications," DoD-G-DAAH04-95-1-0449 (ARO) (1995-1999). PI: S. Lakshmanan.

  • "Reduced Signature Automated Target Detection," DARPA-AFOSR-MURI (1995-2002). Collaborative project between BU, MIT, Northeastern, Univ Minnesota, NYU, Stanford. PI: D. Castenon.

  • "Low-energy electronics design for mobile platforms," ARO MURI contract DAAH01-96-1-0337. (1996-2001)

  • "Estimation strategies for nuclear medical imaging," (1990-1999) National Institutes of Health (Cancer Institute)

  • "Robust automatic multi-modality registration," (1998-2000) National Institutes of Health

  • "Space-Frequency Image Processing for Word Spotting," Dept. of Defense (NSA) (1995-1997)

  • "Information theoretic analysis of tomographic systems," National Science Foundation (NSF) (1991-1994)
    Contact Information:

    Prof. Alfred O. Hero III ,
    Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
    The University of Michigan
    1301 Beal Avenue
    Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
    Tel. (313) 763-0564
    FAX: (313) 763-8041