Alfred Hero - Research Activities
Alfred Hero's research has been supported
by DOE, NIH, NSF, AFOSR, NSA, ARO, ONR, DARPA and by private industry
This research has been sponsored by the following grants
"Solar Storms and Terrestrial Impacts Center (SOLSTICE)," (3/1/2020-2/28/2022), \$1,202,162.
NASA grant 80NSSC20K0600. PI: Tamas Gambosi, Co-PI A Hero.
"Robust AI Guided by the Immune System," (1/6/2020-7/6/2021), \$1,097,163.
DARPA grant DE-NA0003921. PI: Indika Rajapakse, Senior Personnel: A Hero.
"Consortium for Enabling Technologies and Innovation: multimodality data integration for verification and safeguards,"
(10/1/2019-9/30/2024), \$799,479. Dept of Energy (DOE) grant DE-NA0003921. Georgia Tech PI: Anna Erikson (Prime), UM PI Al Hero.
"Multiscale biofilm data-model integration and experimental design,"
(6/1/2019-5/31/2023), \$799,297. Army Research Office (ARO) grant W911NF1910269. USC PI: James Boedicker (Prime), UM PI Al Hero.
"Geometry of Information and Computation Workshop,"
(6/1/2017-12/31/2017), \$29,779. Army Research Office (ARO) grant FA8650-15-D-1845. PI Al Hero.
"Models and methods for detecting and tracking interactions,"
(6/1/2015-5/30/2016), \$70,249. Direct: Wright State University, Prime:
Dept. of the Air Force grant FA8650-15-D-1845. PI Al Hero.
"PREdicting contagion using Systems and Genomic analysis (PRESAGE) - Phase I and II,"
(5/12/2017-9/14/2020), \$404,990. Direct: Duke University PI Chris Woods, Prime:
Dept. of Defense (DARPA) grant N66001-17-2-4014. UM PI Al Hero.
"Adaptive exploitation of non-commutative multimodal information structure," (8/17/2015-8/16/2019), \$3,750,000.
ARMY MURI grant W911NF-15-1-0479. PI Negar Kiyavash (UIUC).
"Covariance estimation methods using regularization techniques developed for multidimensional processes," (8/1/2015-7/31/2018), \$455,000.
Dept. of Air Force under grant FA8650-15-D-1845. PI Al Hero.
"Reaction network reconstruction for modeling of dynamic pathways," (5/1/2015-4/30/2018), \$455,000.
Army Research Office under grant W911NF-15-1-0241. PI Angela Violi.
"Consortium for Verification Technology," (09/01/14-08/31/19), \$20,000,000.
Department of Energy. PI. Sara Pozzi.
"This work was funded by the Consortium for Verification Technology under Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration award number DE-NA0002534"
"Sample-starved large scale network analysis," (02/01/2013-01/31/2016), \$750,000.
Air Force Office of Scientific Research under grant FA9550-13-1-0043. Joint with Bala Rajaratnam (Stanford).
(A Hero PI).
"Distribution-Adaptive Prediction and Classification," (09/01/2012-12/31/2015), \$499,923.
National Science Foundation under grant CCF-1217880. (C. Scott PI).
"Social Informatics Program: Emergent spatio-temporal behavior
in social networks," (08/23/2012-07/22/2016), \$580K.
Army Research Office under grant W911NF-12-1-0443. (A. Hero PI).
"Data fusion for detection of anomalous structures," (06/01/2012-06/30/2013), \$115K.
UES subcontract S-875-040-008 under prime USAF/AFMC grant FA8650-9-D-5037/04. (A. Hero PI).
"Creation of an anatomic map of cardiac electrocardiograms," (02/01/12-01/31/14), \$50K. Cardiovascular Center Grant.(F. Bogun PI, With S. Swanson and L. Han).
"Performance-driven inference and provisioning in multiple platform ATR radar systems," (09/01/2011-12/31/2012), \$160K.
Air Force Research Laboratory Sensors Directorate under grant FA8650-07-D-1220-0006. (M. Islam is PI of record).
``Muri: Value-Centered Information Theory For Adaptive
Learning, Inference, Tracking and Exploitation,''
(08/01/11-07/31/16) MURI - Army Research Office (ARO). Grant number:
W911NF-11-1-0391. PI: A.O. Hero. Collaboration between University of
Michigan (Hero, Nadakuditi), Ohio State (Moses, Ertin), MIT (Fisher,
How, Willsky), Berkeley (Jordan), and UCLA (Soatto).
``Sparse representation of multimodality sensing databases for
data mining and retrieval,'' (08/01/10-07/31/15) Army Research Office
(ARO). Grant number: W911NF-09-1-0310. PI: A.O. Hero.
``Clinico-molecular predictors of presymptomatic infectious
disease," (06/01/09-05/31/11) DARPA phase II PHD Program grant
XXXX. Collaboration between Duke Univ (Ginsburg, Zaas, Woods, Carin,
Veldman, Mclain, Nicholson) and Univ of Michigan (Hero), DARPA Project PI:
J. Ginsburg at Duke. UM co-PI A. Hero.
``Identification of effectors of hox protein mediated
leukemogenesis,'' (02/01/2009-01/31/2010) \$50K, CCMB. A collaborative
effort to support PhD studies of Y. Huang. co-PI's J. Hess and A.O. Hero.
"Performance-Driven Multimodality Sensor Fusion,"
(06/01/2009-11/30/2011), \$250K, Air Force Office of Scientific
Research grant number FA9550-09-1-0471. PI: A.O. Hero. co-PI: R. Raich
(Oregon State Univ).
"Automatic three dimensional (3D) registration for enhanced
cancer management," (04/09/2009-8/31/2014), \$7M, National Institutes
of Health, grant number 2P01CA087634-06A2. PI: C. Meyer.
"Automated Target Recognition Center," (04/09/2009-8/31/2014), \$100K,
Air Force Research Laboratory through Signal Innovations Group
subcontract, grant number FA8650-07-D-1221-TO1. PI: L. Carin.
"Learning and Adapting to Spatio-Temporal Anomalies,"
(9/1/2008-8/31/2011), \$564,341, National Science Foundation, grant number
CCF 0830490. PI: C. Scott.
"Distributed active network sensing and estimation (DANSE),"
(1/1/2008-12/31/2012), \$600,000, DIGITEO. PI: A. Hero.
"Network Tomography for Structure Discovery,"
(6/4/2008-6/5/2009), \$140,000, Office of Naval Research grant number
N00014-08-1-1065. PI: A. Hero.
``Utility-weighted sensor management for missile defense,"
Missile Defense Agency (10/01/07-05/31/08), UM subcontract from
TechFinity, Inc. PI: A. Hero.
``Clinico-molecular predictors of presymptomatic infectious
disease," DARPA Phase I PHD Program (06/01/07-05/31/08), DARPA grant number
N66001-07-C-2024. Collaboration between Duke Univ, SRI and Univ of
Michigan, DARPA Project PI: J. Ginsberg at Duke. UM co-PI A. Hero.
"Integrated fusion, performance prediction, and sensor
management for automated target exploitation," AFOSR (08/01/05-) Air
Force Office of Scientific Research Award No. FA9550-06-1-0324
(PI Randy Moses, OSU). This is a collaborative MURI project with Lee
Potter, Alan Willsky, John Fisher, Mujdat Cetin, David Castanon, and
Klem Carl.
"Entropic methods for integrated sensing and processing,"
(11/1/04-10/31/06) Raytheon Missile Systems (H. Schmitt, PI). This
is a subcontract to UM from a parent federal contract to Raytheon from
Defense Sciences Ofiice under Office of Naval Research contract
"Advancement of Magnetic Resonance Force Microscopy to Single
Nuclear Spin Detection," (05/01/05-04/31/10) Army Research Office
W911NF-05-1-0403. This grant is a collaborative effort with Univ of
Washington (J. Sidles PI), John Marohn (Cornell), and Michigan (Alfred
Hero, Jeffrey Fesseler)
"Modular strategies for internetwork monitoring,"
(9/1/03-8/31/08) National Science Foundation CCR-0325571. This grant
is a collaborative ITR grant with Univ. Wisconsin (R. Nowak,
P. Barford) and Boston Univ. (E. Kolaczyk, M. Crovella).
"Single spin magnetic resonance force microscopy," (2002-2004)
IBM subcontract under DARPA-MOSAIC (Molecular Observation,
Spectroscopy and Imaging using Cantilevers) Program. DARPA MOSAIC
program under ARO contract DAAD19-02-C-0055
"Sequential adaptive multi-modality target detection and
classification using physics-based models," DARPA MURI program under ARO
contract DAAD19-02-1-0262 (2002-2007)
"Automatic 3D Registration for Enhanced Cancer Management," (P01)
National Institutes of Health (Cancer Institute) grant No. NIH 1PO1
CA87634-01 (2002-2007)
"Challenges in Pattern Recognition,"
National Science Foundation CCR-0223741 (2002-2003)
"Radionucleides: radiation detection and quantification," (R01)
National Institutes of Health (Cancer Institute)
"Enabling technologies for intelligent vehicle applications,"
DoD-G-DAAH04-95-1-0449 (ARO) (1995-1999). PI: S. Lakshmanan.
"Reduced Signature Automated Target Detection,"
DARPA-AFOSR-MURI (1995-2002). Collaborative project between BU, MIT, Northeastern, Univ Minnesota, NYU, Stanford. PI: D. Castenon.
"Low-energy electronics design for mobile platforms," ARO MURI
contract DAAH01-96-1-0337. (1996-2001)
"Estimation strategies for nuclear medical imaging," (1990-1999)
National Institutes of Health (Cancer Institute)
"Robust automatic multi-modality registration," (1998-2000)
National Institutes of Health
"Space-Frequency Image Processing for Word Spotting," Dept. of
Defense (NSA) (1995-1997)
"Information theoretic analysis of tomographic systems," National
Science Foundation (NSF) (1991-1994)
Contact Information:
Prof. Alfred O. Hero III ,
Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The University of Michigan
1301 Beal Avenue
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2122
Tel. (313) 763-0564
FAX: (313) 763-8041