Discussion questions: monitors
Please work out these problems before your next discussion section. The
GSIs and IAs will go over these problems during the discussion section.
1. Restroom access
U-M decides to save money on the construction of the new CSE building
by building only unisex restrooms (as opposed to redundant men's and women's
rooms on each floor). For modesty's sake, however, they impose the rule that
only people of one gender may occupy a given restroom at the same time.
Your task is to write a program which models access to a restroom, using
Mesa monitor primitives.
Write the following procedures:
woman_wants_to_enter(), man_wants_to_enter(),
woman_leaves(), man_leaves().
Use the monitor primitives lock(), unlock(),
signal(), wait(), and broadcast() in these
functions to control access to the restroom. You may assume there is
no limit on the number of people of the same gender who may occupy the
restroom at a given time.
Next, we want to modify our solution in order to prevent starvation. In other
words, a person should not have to wait indefinitely to enter, assuming that
each person already in the restroom stays there for some finite time period.
We will try to ensure fairness using a bool called TURN. TURN can be set to either MEN or WOMEN.
Write a solution that uses the TURN variable to alternate priorities between men and women when
both groups are waiting. For example, if there are women in the bathroom and men waiting for the
bathroom and a woman arrives, the woman should only be allowed in if TURN = WOMEN. Flip the TURN
variable when appropriate.
Notice that we can change the TURN variable in either the woman_leaves() function, or the
woman_wants_to_enter() function.
- Describe the fairness policy enforced if we change the TURN variable in woman_wants_to_enter().
- Describe the fairness policy enforced if we change the TURN variable in woman_leaves().
- Do either of these actually prevent starvation?
We want a policy that maximizes concurrency while not allowing for starvation.
What fairness policy do we actually want? What would it take to implement this?
2. Locks
Assume n threads are accessing m independent shared objects (e.g., shared
variables). How many locks are required to provide maximum concurrency
within the threads? Does more concurrency imply better performance?
3. File access
Several threads are accessing a file. Each thread has a a unique priority
number. The file can be accessed simultaneously by several threads,
subject to the following constraint: the sum of all unique priority numbers
of the threads currently accessing the file must be less than n.
Show how to use monitors to coordinate access to the file.
4. Barriers
(This problem has optional background material. The background
reading tries to give you a sense of how you might find parallelism
and use monitors in a real world problem, and attempts to motivate the
usefulness of barriers. If you'd like to read the background
material, click here. It is not
necessary to understand the background material to do the
Certain classes of partial differential equations can be solved by an
iterative method called relaxation. One such PDE is the one
dimentional form of Poisson's equation:
= f(x). If you create a vector of doubles representing the
values of V at SIZE + 1 discretized points, you can
calculate an approximate solution through iteration. At each
point i from 1 to SIZE-1, you can compute
the next value of V[i] = (V[i+1] + V[i-1] -
f(i))/2. Eventually, in enough iterations, V will converge
to the solution of the PDE.
So, you write the following code:
void relaxation(int * V, int (*f)(int) f, int size, int count) {
// A temporary buffer to hold alternate iterations
int * tmp = new int[size];
// A pointer point at the next iteration array
int * p = tmp;
// A pointer pointing at the old iteration array
int * p_prime = V + 1;
for (int j = 0; j < count; j++) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
//Computing the next iteration
p[i] = (p_prime[i-1] + p_prime[i+1] - f(i))/2;
// Swap the two pointers, so that the old array can be
// reused for the next
swap(p, p_prime);
// If when we finished, the result was not in the input array
// copy it back there.
if (p != V + 1) {
memcpy(V + 1, p, size);
delete tmp;
You run the code and are satisfied with its correctness, but because
you make SIZE large and
f is difficult to compute, this
function is slow. You decide that you could divide up the array and
give part of the array to multiple threads.
struct relaxation_config {
int * V;
int * p;
int * p_prime;
int (*f)(int);
int size;
int count;
void relaxation_thread(void * arg) {
// Cast the input to a relaxation_config struct pointer.
relaxation_config * config = arg;
// Compute our portion of the iteration.
for (int j = 0; j < config->count; j++) {
// For each cell in our range, evaluate the expression.
for (int i = 0; i < config->size; i++) {
config->p[i] = (config->p_prime[i-1] +
config->p_prime[i+1] - config->f(i))/2;
swap(config->p, config->p_prime);
if (config->p != config->V) {
memcpy(config->V, config->p, size);
delete config;
void relaxation(int * V, int (*f)(int), int size, int count) {
int * tmp = new int[size];
int * p = tmp;
int * p_prime = V + 1;
thread * threads[NUM_THREADS];
// Each thread will do thread_size entries in the matrix.
int thread_size = size/NUM_THREADS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
// Configure the child thread
relaxation_config * config = new relaxation_config;
// Each thread gets a segment beginning i * thread_size through
config->V = V + 1 + i * thread_size;
config->p = p + i * thread_size;
config->p_prime = p_prime + i * thread_size;
config->f = f;
config->size = thread_size;
config->count = count;
// Create the thread
threads[i] = new thread(relaxation_thread, (void*) config);
// Join with all the threads. Function cannot return until
// all threads have finished!
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
delete threads[i];
delete tmp;
But this code has a bug! Each thread computes all of
its cells, but what happens on the edges? When a thread is computing
i=0 iteration of the inner loop, it is
dependent on another thread having completed
i=threadd_size - 1 iteration! We must
enforce this restriction.
So, you consult your EECS 482 textbook and see that the solution is to
use a barrier. But alas, the simple EECS 482 thread
library doesn't provide them. So, you decide to implement barriers
with monitors.
A barrier is a tool that provides a way for various threads to
synchronize their progress. Threads "check in" or wait at a barrier
and are only allowed to proceed past the barrier when a certain number
of threads have "checked in" to the barrier. This tool allows a
program to run phases in parallel (particularly useful in
matrix operations).
Your job is to implement barriers using monitors. Implement
the constructor and wait function adding private variables as
class Barrier {
//Add your private member variables
/* Constructs a new barrier that will allow number_of_threads
threads to check in. */
Barrier(int number_of_threads);
/* Called by a thread checking in to the barrier. Should return
true if the thread was the last thread to check in (in POSIX threads
lingo, the "serial thread") and false otherwise. This function should
block until all threads have checked in. */
bool wait();
/* Delete copy constructor and copy assignment operators */
Barrier(const Barrier&) = delete;
Barrier& operator=(const Barrier&) = delete;
Barrier(Barrier&&) = delete;
Barrier& operator=(Barrier&&) = delete;
Now, armed with your new Barrier class, you fix up your code
so that it works correctly in parallel by having each thread check in
to the barrier before continuing on to its next iteration of the outer
struct relaxation_config {
int * V;
int * p;
int * p_prime;
int (*f)(int);
int size;
int count;
Barrier * barrier;
void relaxation_thread(void * arg) {
relaxation_config * config = arg;
for (int j = 0; j < config->count; j++) {
for (int i = 1; i <= config->size; i++) {
config->p[i] = (config->p_prime[i-1] +
config->p_prime[i+1] - config->f(i))/2;
swap(config->p, config->p_prime);
// Wait at the barrier until all thread have completed
// j'th iteration.
if (config->p != config->V) {
memcpy(config->V, config->p, size);
delete config;
void relaxation(int * V, int (*f)(int), int size, int count) {
int * tmp = new int[size];
int * p = tmp;
int * p_prime = V;
thread * threads[NUM_THREADS];
// Create a new barrier
Barrier * barrier = new barrier(NUM_THREADS);
int thread_size = size/NUM_THREADS;
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
relaxation_config * config = new relaxation_config;
config->V = V + i * thread_size;
config->p = p + i * thread_size;
config->p_prime = p_prime + i * thread_size;
config->f = f;
config->size = thread_size;
config->count = count;
config->barrier = barrier;
threads[i] = new thread(relaxation_thread, (void*) config);
for (int i = 0; i < NUM_THREADS; i++) {
delete threads[i];
delete barrier;