Publications related to the thesis work
Remember! These electronic versions may differ from the final
published papers; please obtain the originals if you wish to cite the
E.R. Westervelt Toward a Coherent Framework for the Control of Planar Biped Locomotion,
Ph.D. thesis, University of Michigan, June 2003. Also available with double-sided formatting.
J.W. Grizzle, E.R. Westervelt, and C. Canudas de Wit
Event-based PI Control of an Underactuated Biped Walker,
Preprint, submitted to IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control, December 2003.
[Supplemental Material].
C. Chevallereau, G. Abba, Y. Aoustin, F. Plestan, E.R. Westervelt,
C. Canduas-de-Wit, and J.W. Grizzle
RABBIT: A Testbed for Advanced Control Theory, Preprint,
To appear in IEEE Control Systems Magazine; revised April, 2003;
submitted September, 2002.
[Supplemental Material].
Franck Plestan, J.W. Grizzle, Eric Westervelt and Gabriel Abba,
Stable Walking of a 7-DOF Biped Robot. Preprint, to
appear in IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, August 2003.
[Supplemental Material]
; original submission date: Feb. 2001.
E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and C. Canudas de Wit
Switching and PI Control for Planar Biped Walkers,
Reprint, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control;Vol. 48, N0. 2, February 2003, pp. 308-312.
[Supplemental Material].
E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and D.E. Koditschek,
Hybrid Zero Dynamics of Planar Biped Walkers. Reprint,
IEEE-TAC, Vol. 48, No. 1, January 2003, pp. 42-56.
[Supplemental Material].
E.R. Westervelt and J.W. Grizzle,
Sequential Composition of Walking Motions for a 5-Link Planar Biped
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL.
[Supplemental Material]. The talk inlcuded results from
C. Chevallereau, G. Abba, Y. Aoustin, F. Plestan, E.R. Westervelt,
C. Canduas-de-Wit, and J.W. Grizzle
RABBIT: A Testbed for Advanced Control Theory, Preprint,
To appear in IEEE Control Systems Magazine; revised April, 2003;
submitted September, 2002.
[Supplemental Material].
E.R. Westervelt and J.W. Grizzle,
Design of Asymptotically Stable Walking for a 5-Link Planar Biped
Walker via Optimization. Reprint, ICRA-2002, May
10-17, 2002, Washington, DC.
E.R. Westervelt, J.W. Grizzle, and D.E. Koditschek,
Zero Dynamics of Underactuated Planar Biped Walkers.
Reprint, IFAC-2002, Barcelona, Spain, July 21-26, 2002.
Franck Plestan, J.W. Grizzle, Eric Westervelt and Gabriel Abba,
Controlled Periodic Motion in a Nonlinear System with Impulse Effects:
Walking of a Biped Robot. Reprint, IFAC NOLCOS-2001,
Saint-Petersburg, Russia, July 4-6, 2001.