Fast iterative magnetic resonance (MR) image reconstruction with compensation for magnetic field (B0) inhomogeneities

Different tissue types have different magnetic susceptabilities, and this causes local perturbations of the magnetic field in an MR scanner, particularly near the boundaries between air and soft tissue. This causes significant local changes in the resonant frequency of hydrogen spins. (Rightmost column of images below.)

If ignored, these field nonuniformities cause distortions in MR images that are reconstructed by conventional algorithms from the raw MR measurements, particularly in the brain regions near the nasal cavities. (Left column of images below.)

There are conventional non-iterative methods for reconstructing MR images with partial compensation for field inhomogeneities, but they work poorly in many cases. (Second column of images below.)

We have developed an iterative algorithm for reconstructing MR images that corrects for field inhomogeneities. (Third column of images below.) Considerations in the design of this algorithm include

Each iteration of the algorithm would be very expensive if implemented naively, since it would require a 2D discrete-space Fourier transform with nonuniform frequency locations, since the images below were acquired with a spiral k-space trajectory. To reduce computation, we have developed a nonuniform FFT (NUFFT) method that is optimal in the minmax sense of minimizing the worst-case interpolation error. This gives us very fast computation, while preserving image accuracy.

First slice

Second slice

Notice the big dark "hole" in the top center of the head in the left images, corresponding to a region of the head that is a bit higher than the nasal sinus cavity. This hole is only partially corrected by the conventional "conjugate phase" reconstruction method in the second column. The third column is the images formed by PhD student Brad Sutton, co-advised by Jeff Fessler and Doug Noll, using a iterative reconstruction method. This method is described in a paper by Brad Sutton that has been accepted for publication in the IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging. A preprint is available here.
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