Statistical Image Reconstruction: 2D PET Simulation
Information Weighted Smoothing Splines

My group is developing statistical methods for tomographic image reconstruction. In collaboration with physicians in the Nuclear Medicine Division of the Radiology Department at UM, one emphasis in my group is reconstruction methods for PET and SPECT imaging. These are functional imaging methods that can provide unique diagnostic information for detecting cardiac disease, detecting cancer, and monitoring the progress of treatment for patients with these ailments. Unfortunately, the signal to noise ratios in PET and SPECT measurements are often pretty poor since the systems work by counting photons one at a time as they are emitted from trace amounts of radioactively-labeled tracers within the patient.

The classical method for image reconstruction is filtered backprojection. This method is fast and simple, but it does not use any statistical information about the measurements. In fact it treats all measurements as if they are equals. Statistical image reconstruction methods like those we are developing are based on statistical models for the measurements and can give more weight to the "good" measurements and less weight to the "bad" measurements, thereby resulting in images with less noise.

The following 3 images give a computer simulated example. The image on the left represents a simplified digital brain scan. The middle image was reconstructed from simulated noisy PET measurements using conventional FBP image reconstruction. Note the large amount of noise and "streaks" that can confound diagnosis. The image on the right was reconstructed using information weighted smoothing splines, a simple non-iterative statistical method for PET image reconstruction developed by our group at UM. Note the reduction in streaking artifacts.

Here are links to papers describing the algorithms.


This research is a highly interdisciplinary collaboration involving people and/or principles from EE, BME, Radiology, Medical Physics, and Statistics.
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