This directory contains the data and code for reproducing the results in the following paper.
Daniel S Weller, Sathish Ramani, Jon-Fredrik Nielsen, J A Fessler.
Monte Carlo SURE-based parameter selection for parallel magnetic resonance imaging reconstruction.
Mag. Res. Med., 71(5):1760-70, May 2014.
This code relies on both IRT
and Mike Lustig's L1SPIRiT code,
from either v0.1 or v0.3 of the
SPIRiT toolbox.
Use IRT setup.m to prepare the IRT toolbox.
fix the paths to the data in the imfiles variable at the top of the script.
Running make_BayesDESIGN_plots.m and make_L1SPIRiT_plots.m will generate all the figures for the two algorithms in the paper and supplement.
The main algorithm functions are L1SPIRiT_WSURE.m and BayesDESIGN_SB_WSURE3.m.
todo: old
or update the paths in the script
(at the end of the first cell block).
Some functions from IRT were changed for the simulations;
those are included in the zip file.