This directory has various system models for tomographic image reconstruction and related problems. @fatrix2 @Fatrix This object provides a general "container" for linear operations A*x and A'*y. Fatrix is the obsolete version; fatrix2 is the current version. @Gblock block system models (based on one of Gtomo2_dsc, Gtomo2_sparse, Gtomo2_wtfmex) for ordered-subsets (aka block iterative) algorithms. this is largely obsolete; the newer @Fatrix object includes this functionality @Gtomo2_dsc on-the-fly forward or backprojection using a .dsc file (see ASPIRE user manual) the system matrix is not precomputed so this uses very little memory. @Gtomo2_wtfmex uses .wtf created by ASPIRE - loaded in mex memory space rather than matlab to save memory (singles instead of doubles). for large problem sizes even this may use too much memory in which case try Gtomo2_dsc instead. Gblur linear shift invariant blur (image restoration) Gdsft discrete-space Fourier transform (nonuniform k-space samples). a slow but exact version of Gnufft. Glinear tomographic system matrix based on pixel-driven linear interpolation. not recommended. Gmri For MRI image reconstruction, possibly including nonuniform k-space samples, off-resonance effects, and relaxation effects. Gnearest tomographic system matrix based on pixel-driven nearest-neighbor interpolation. not recommended. Gnufft Nonuniform FFT (NUFFT) for applications like MRI that record Fourier samples. Gsparse an object made from matlab sparse matrix, essentially for testing. also useful as a base for Gblock objects Gtomo2_strip strip integral tomographic system model. useful but uses lots of memory. Gtomo2_table table-based tomographic system model. fast yet small memory. recommended. Gtomo3 3D system models, some precomputed, some on-the-fly, based on f3d_mex. Gtomo_blob work in progress Gtomo_nufft NUFFT-based forward/backprojection for 2D tomography Final option: !wt gen tomo.dsc (creates using ASPIRE) A = wtfmex('load', '');