this toolbox requires pkg load signal % for xcorr xcorr2 dftmtx etc. pkg load specfun % for ellipke pkg load image % for imfilter etc. note that atan2(-0,-0) gives 0 in matlab and -pi in octave there is no simple "right" answer: % octave bug 39254: % works fine: a = single(5 * ones(2,3,4)); b = double(6 * ones(2,3,4)); a .* b % fails with error % invalid conversion of ComplexNDArray to ComplexMatrix c = single(5i * ones(2,3,4)); d = double(6i * ones(2,3,4)); c .* d Notes circa 2012 To make IRT work cleanly with octave, here were the changes made: if: short circuit | & to || && modify strum methods to return 1 and only 1 output (nicely simplifies anyway). todo: fail -> ir_fail because octave has its own fail() printf -> fprintf (why?) missing features: zoom colorbar(gca, map)