// ir_tridiag_inv_mex_varnthread.c // Matlab mex file for tridiagonal solver // T * x = y // assumes real tridiagonal matrix T, rhs y is formulated as NxM matrix, // computes M columns of x in parallel // user chooses nthreads // // 2013-11-09 Mai Le, initial version // 2016-01-25 Mai Le and JF, updates // 2016-02-03 Mai Le and JF, handle M different tridiagonal matrices // #include "mex.h" #include "def,mexarg.h" #include "defs-env.h" #include "jf,mex,def.h" #include "pthread.h" #define Usage "usage error. see above" #define MAX_THREADS 32 static void tridiag_inv_mex_help(void) { printf("\n\ Usage for ir_tridiag_inv_mex_noni: \n\ output = ir_tridiag_inv_mex_noni(subdiag, diagvals, supdiag, argum, nthread) \n\ \n\ T * x = y \n\ \n\ subdiag: (single, real) [N-1 M] -1st subdiagonal values of T \n\ diagvals: (single, real) [N M] diagonal values of T \n\ supdiag: (single, real) [N-1 M] 1st diagonal values of T \n\ argum: (single) [N M] rhs of inverse problem, y \n\ nthread: (int32) # of threads \n\ output: (single) [N*M 1] \n\ \n"); } struct thread_data { int thread_id; int block_size; int num_blocks_for_me; cfloat *subdiag_ptr; cfloat *diagvals_ptr; cfloat *supdiag_ptr; cfloat *rhsr_ptr; cfloat *rhsi_ptr; float *outr_ptr; float *outi_ptr; }; // tridiag_inv() // tridiag solver over one block static void tridiag_inv( cfloat *a, // subdiag cfloat *b, // diag cfloat *c, // supdiag cfloat *d, // rhs cint N, float *x, // out float *new_c, // work float *new_d) // work { new_c[0] = c[0] / b[0]; new_d[0] = d[0] / b[0]; for (int ii = 1; ii <= N-2; ii++) { cfloat a_prev = a[ii - 1]; cfloat new_c_prev = new_c[ii - 1]; new_c[ii] = c[ii] / (b[ii] - new_c_prev * a_prev); new_d[ii] = (d[ii] - new_d[ii - 1] * a_prev) / (b[ii] - new_c_prev * a_prev); } new_d[N - 1] = (d[N - 1] - new_d[N - 2] * (a[N - 2])) / (b[N - 1] - new_c[N - 2] * (a[N - 2])); x[N - 1] = new_d[N - 1]; for (int ii = N-2; ii >= 0; ii--) x[ii] = new_d[ii] - new_c[ii] * x[ii + 1]; } // tridiag_inv_loop_thr() // each thread loops over tridiag_inv static sof tridiag_inv_loop_thr(void *threadarg) { struct thread_data *my_data = (struct thread_data *) threadarg; cint N = my_data -> block_size; float *new_c; float *new_d; Mem0(new_c, N - 1) Mem0(new_d, N) cfloat *a = my_data -> subdiag_ptr; cfloat *b = my_data -> diagvals_ptr; cfloat *c = my_data -> supdiag_ptr; cfloat *dr = my_data -> rhsr_ptr; cfloat *di = my_data -> rhsi_ptr; float *xr = my_data -> outr_ptr; // output float *xi = my_data -> outi_ptr; cint num_runs = my_data -> num_blocks_for_me; for (int ii = 0; ii < num_runs; ii++) { tridiag_inv(a, b, c, dr, N, xr, new_c, new_d); dr += N; xr += N; if (xi != NULL) { tridiag_inv(a, b, c, di, N, xi, new_c, new_d); di += N; xi += N; } a += N - 1; b += N; c += N - 1; } Free0(new_c) Free0(new_d) Ok } // tridiag_inv_loop_thr_void() static void *tridiag_inv_loop_thr_void(void *threadarg) { if (!tridiag_inv_loop_thr(threadarg)) Warn("Failure with tridiag_inv_thread()") return NULL; } // check_types_and_sizes() static sof check_types_and_sizes(Const mxArray *prhs[]) { cint Nsub = mxGetM(prhs[0]); cint Msub = mxGetN(prhs[0]); cint Ndiag = mxGetM(prhs[1]); cint Mdiag = mxGetN(prhs[1]); cint Nsup = mxGetM(prhs[2]); cint Msup = mxGetN(prhs[2]); cint Nrhs = mxGetM(prhs[3]); cint Mrhs = mxGetN(prhs[3]); int pass = 1; if ((Nsub != Nrhs - 1) || (Nsup != Nrhs - 1) || (Ndiag != Nrhs)) { printf("diagonal sizes do not match \n"); tridiag_inv_mex_help(); pass = 0; } if ((Msub != Mrhs) || (Msup != Mrhs) || (Mdiag != Mrhs)) { printf("block sizes do not match \n"); tridiag_inv_mex_help(); pass = 0; } if (mxIsComplex(prhs[0])) { printf("subdiag cannot be complex \n"); pass = 0; } if (!mxIsClass(prhs[0], "single")) { printf("subdiag must be single \n"); pass = 0; } if (mxIsComplex(prhs[1])) { printf("diag cannot be complex \n"); pass = 0; } if (!mxIsClass(prhs[1], "single")) { printf("diag must be single \n"); pass = 0; } if (mxIsComplex(prhs[2])) { printf("supdiag cannot be complex \n"); pass = 0; } if (!mxIsClass(prhs[2], "single")) { printf("supdiag must be single \n"); pass = 0; } if (!mxIsClass(prhs[3], "single")) { printf("rhs must be single \n"); pass = 0; } if (!mxIsScalarInt32(prhs[4])) { printf("nthread must be int32\n"); pass = 0; } if (!pass) { printf("\n"); tridiag_inv_mex_help(); Fail(Usage) } Ok } // currently assume all inputs real // wrapper function for thread static sof tridiag_inv_mex_thr( cfloat *subdiag_ptr, cfloat *diagvals_ptr, cfloat *supdiag_ptr, cfloat *rhs_real_ptr, cfloat *rhs_imag_ptr, cint block_size, cint nblocks, float *out_real_ptr, float *out_imag_ptr, cint nthreads) { struct thread_data *thread_data_array; Mem0(thread_data_array, nthreads) // struct thread_data thread_data_array[nthreads]; int blocks_per_thread[nthreads]; int cum_blocks[nthreads + 1]; pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t threads[nthreads]; pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); int remainder_blocks = nblocks - (nblocks/nthreads)*nthreads; cum_blocks[0] = 0; for (int th_ndx = 0; th_ndx < nthreads; th_ndx++) { blocks_per_thread[th_ndx] = nblocks/nthreads; if (th_ndx < remainder_blocks) blocks_per_thread[th_ndx]++; cum_blocks[th_ndx + 1] = cum_blocks[th_ndx] + blocks_per_thread[th_ndx]; } for (int th_id = 0; th_id < nthreads; th_id++) { thread_data_array[th_id].thread_id = th_id; thread_data_array[th_id].block_size = block_size; thread_data_array[th_id].subdiag_ptr = subdiag_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * (block_size - 1); thread_data_array[th_id].diagvals_ptr = diagvals_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * block_size; thread_data_array[th_id].supdiag_ptr = supdiag_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * (block_size - 1);\ thread_data_array[th_id].rhsr_ptr = rhs_real_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * block_size; thread_data_array[th_id].outr_ptr = out_real_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * block_size; if (rhs_imag_ptr != NULL) { thread_data_array[th_id].rhsi_ptr = rhs_imag_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * block_size; thread_data_array[th_id].outi_ptr = out_imag_ptr + cum_blocks[th_id] * block_size; } else { thread_data_array[th_id].rhsi_ptr = NULL; thread_data_array[th_id].outi_ptr = NULL; } thread_data_array[th_id].num_blocks_for_me = blocks_per_thread[th_id]; cint rc = pthread_create(&threads[th_id], &attr, tridiag_inv_loop_thr_void, (void *) (thread_data_array + th_id)); if (rc) Fail("pthread_create") } for (int th_id = 0; th_id < nthreads; th_id++) { cint rc = pthread_join(threads[th_id], NULL); if (rc) { printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_join() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } } Free0(thread_data_array) Ok } // intermediate GateWay routine static sof tridiag_inv_mex_gw( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, Const mxArray *prhs[]) { float *sub; /* input subdiagonal */ float *diag; /* 1xN input diagonal */ float *sup; float *rhs; float *rhs_imag; int N; /* size of tridiag matrix */ int M; /* numcols of rhs matrix */ if (nrhs != 5 ) { printf("Incorrect number of inputs. \n"); tridiag_inv_mex_help(); Fail(Usage) } Call(check_types_and_sizes, (prhs)) sub = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[0]); diag = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[1]); sup = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[2]); rhs = (float *) mxGetData(prhs[3]); int nthread = ((int *) mxGetData(prhs[4]))[0]; N = mxGetM(prhs[3]); M = mxGetN(prhs[3]); if (nthread > MAX_THREADS) { printf("nthread:%d > MAX_THREADS: %d, truncated to %d \n", nthread, MAX_THREADS, MAX_THREADS); nthread = MAX_THREADS; } if (nthread > M) { nthread = M; } if (mxIsComplex(prhs[3])) { rhs_imag = (float *) mxGetImagData(prhs[3]); plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(N * M, 1, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxCOMPLEX); } else { rhs_imag = NULL; plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(N * M, 1, mxSINGLE_CLASS, mxREAL); } float *x_real = (float *) mxGetData(plhs[0]); float *x_imag = (float *) mxGetImagData(plhs[0]); // NULL when rhs is real if ((rhs_imag == NULL) ^ (x_imag == NULL)) // debug check Fail("problem: only one NULL vec, should be both or neither") Call(tridiag_inv_mex_thr, (sub, diag, sup, rhs, rhs_imag, N, M, x_real, x_imag, nthread)) Ok } // gateway routine #if defined(Need_ir_tridiag_inv_mex_gateway) void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]) { if (!nlhs && !nrhs) { tridiag_inv_mex_help(); return; } if (!tridiag_inv_mex_gw(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs)) mexErrMsgTxt("tridiag_inv_mex"); } #endif