This directory contains part of the source code for building MEX files that do the back-projection step of the FDK (Feldkamp)cone-beam image reconstruction method using CUDA on GPU. This code was written by Wenlay Esther Wei in Winter 2010 by modifying the work of Matthew Lauer and Ryan James in order to improve the performance. This FDK code is originally in ../fdk by Jeff Fessler. Each folder contains source code for each speed-up strategy as well as related information. For more details, please read the project report contained in this folder. To compile, replace the (and for some versions) with the counterparts in fdk-cuda folder, modify the Makefiles To test, use cbct_back test command in MATLAB or modify the init2.m to use your paths To use CUDA compiler, modify init.m to add your paths Please read the project report for more details NOTE: Testing folder contains a simple CUDA file I made while learning the GPU architecture, it generates a mex file