Information for image reconstruction research
(for EECS 500)
- EECS 516 medical imaging systems
- EECS 551 matrix methods for ...
- EECS 553 machine learning
- EECS 556 image processing
- EECS 564 detection & estimation
- EECS 559 optimization methods for ...
- BME 510 medical imaging lab
- EECS 755 (advanced topics in signal processing)
- EECS 504 computer vision
- EECS 550 information theory
- EECS 600 optimization methods
- Math 562 continuous optimization methods
- Math 571 numerical methods for scientific computing
- IOE 611 convex optimization ("nonlinear programming")
- EECS 587 parallel computing
Related seminars
- Applied math
- Statistics
- Radiology grand rounds
- BME 500
- fMRI symposium
Major conferences
- ISBI Intl. Symp. on Biomedical Imaging
- ISMRM Intl. Soc. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
- ICIP Intl. Conf. on Image Processing
Major journals
- IEEE Transactions on Computational Imaging
- IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging
- IEEE Transactions on Image Processing
- IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing
- SIAM J. on Imaging Science
- Inverse problems
- Physics in medicine and biology
- Medical physics
- ...
Other resources
- Brain web
- I have a draft book hidden on my web server
- (Many other databases of medical imaging data)