EECS 556, Project Evaluation Names Projects are graded holistically based on evaluations in the categories below. Rating scales: 1 2 3 4 5 quantitative: none few moderate lots very high qualitative: poor fair average good very good 1. Project Degree of difficulty/sophistication: Innovativeness of approach/solution: Engineering/design (e.g., tuning of the method): Analysis (analytical, quantitative, qualitative): Interpretations, judgments, comparisons given (quantitative and qualitative): Depth of understanding displayed: Connections to course: Quantity of work performed: 2. Report Description of the Goals: Performance measures: System/algorithm: Analysis: Experiments: Results: Discussion of results: 3. Oral Presentation (i.e., video in w21) Clarity (including accessibility to 556 audience): Organization: Sophistication: Succinctness: Questions/answers: (N/A in W21) Other Comments: Project Grade: /10 (A-range: 8-10, B-range: 6-8)