ADAA, Jan. 3, 2005 College policy on use of Graders in the context of GEO A recent grievance process suggests that some of us in CoE may be using graders in ways that conflict with the GEO contract. The contract reads: "The [GSI] title shall also be given to a graduate student who is (1) employed on a regularly scheduled and pre-arranged basis throughout not less than one term and (2) who (a) grades papers or examinations in a manner that requires subjective evaluation above and beyond the mechanical or routine comparison of submitted papers or examination with answers, responses, or elements predetermined as correct or acceptable by another individual or method or (b) provides tutorial instruction." We should avoid practices that fall in the gray area of likely pro-GEO interpretation. It is relevant that there are no time limits on GEO grievances. A student may be delighted to be a non-GSI grader during his grading service, but later decide he was exploited and file a grievance. The College policy has four criteria. i) Anyone assigned as a grader for a particular course is assumed to satisfy condition (1) of the GEO paragraph cited above whether or not (s)he grades papers every week. This means that, to avoid classifying the grader as a GSI, the following three criteria must be satisfied. Non-GSI graders will not: ii) Have grading-related contact with students in the course being graded, iii) Provide solution sets nor alternative solutions to those provided by the instructor, nor iv) Assess the `closeness' of a student's solution to that of the example in a solution set. It is acceptable to expect graders to use their academic training to recognize whether students' approaches are similar to those of solutions provided by the course instructor(s). An example of an acceptable practice would be a non-GSI grader being assigned to course xyz, not being expected to respond to students' questions about grading, and not being asked to provide solution sets. The grader could be asked to grade problems on a scale of 0-3 where 0 is no solution was attempted; 1 is a solution was attempted but the approach used did not recognizably conform to any in the solution set; 2 is a solution was attempted, the approach used recognizably conformed to one in the solution set, but the answer was not correct; and 3 is a solution was attempted, the approach used recognizably conformed to one in the solution set, and the answer was correct. In this illustration, the non- GSI grader is expected to recognize a pattern of steps that led to an acceptable solution in the solution set, but was not asked to evaluate how close a student's approach was to the approach given in the solution set, nor asked to recognize that an alternative approach not presented in the solution set might have worked. Any other grading scheme would be acceptable if it complies with the four criteria.