EECS 516 Medical Imaging Systems Fall 2009 1311 EECS, Tue Thu 3:30-5:00 PM Instructor: Professor Jeff Fessler Email: fessler AT umich DOT edu Office: 4431 EECS Phone: 734-763-1434 Office Hours: TBA (see web site or office door) Web: handouts, solutions, errata, m-file templates, past exams, etc. username: ______ password: ______ Objective: Fundamental concepts of medical imaging systems. Text: 1. Medical imaging signals and systems, Prentice-Hall, 2005 Jerry L Prince, Jonathan M Links, ISBN: 0130653535 2. Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, D. Nishimura, 1996 (Take $25 check made out to "The University of Michigan" to BME office in 1107 Gerstacker) 3. Course notes (online). These may be incomplete. You are responsible for both lecture and text material. Reference: Medical imaging systems, A. Macovski, Prentice-Hall, 1983 ISBN 0-13-572685-9 (Optional; on reserve at library.) Prereq.: officially: digital signal proc. (EECS 451) unofficially: complex numbers, trigonometry, linear algebra, physics, differential equations (multivariate), linear systems, impulse response, Fourier transforms (EECS 216/306/316), probability and random variables (EECS 401), Matlab!, [Concurrent enrollment in EECS 501 and/or EECS 551 is helpful] Grading: Homework 10% (see policies below) Ultrasound Project 20% NMR Project 20% Tomography Project 20% Exam (cumulative final) 30% (date TBA, towards end) In all of the above, legibility counts. Scores may be standardized before computing the final score if the means and standard deviations vary substantially. Requests for re-grades of exams or projects must be submitted in writing within one week of being returned. All questions may be re-graded. Notes: Late projects will be assigned reduced grades by roughly a full letter grade per 24 hours or proportion. All students must take the exam during the scheduled time. No course incompletes will be given, except per UM regulations. What sections are covered? On the web page I will frequently update a lecture-by-lecture list of what topics I cover each lecture. See web page for reference book list. The computer projects should be done in Matlab. Mathworks has Matlab tutorials online. You will write Matlab programs to synthesize images and to perform experiments from data provided. These projects take the place of regular midterm exams. Details and policies for the projects will be posted online. Homework policy. You must attempt to solve all homework problems by yourself, and implement all homework-related computer programs by yourself. Copying homework solutions from another student or from solutions from previous semesters will be considered violations of the engineering honor code. However, after making a genuine attempt to solve the homework problems, you are encouraged to discuss the answers with other students currently enrolled in BME/EECS 516 to check the answers and compare solution approaches. After such a discussion, you may rewrite your answer as long as you do so individually, without referring to the solutions of other students or to solutions from previous terms. Basically, the answers you turn in should reflect your own level of understanding, not someone else's. All solutions submitted must be generated by the person whose name appears on the assignment. Some subset (possibly all) of the problems from each assignment will be graded. Solutions will be provided for all problems. No late homework assignments will be accepted. However, I will drop your lowest homework score when computing grades, which gives some flexibility if you are interviewing or become ill, etc. THIS POLICY APPLIES ONLY TO STUDENTS WHO COMPLETE THE ONLINE COURSE EVALUATION AND GIVE ME A COPY (EMAIL OR PAPER) OF THE CONFIRMATION PAGE. Homework grading. The GEO contract requires that a GSI title be given to any graduate student who grades papers "in a manner that requires subjective evaluation above and beyond the mechanical or routine comparison of submitted papers or examination with answers, responses, or elements predetermined as correct or acceptable." Past use of graders has led to grievances. To comply with this GEO contract, in this course HW scores for a N-point problem will be assigned by the grader as follows: 0 points if no work shown, 1 point if some work is shown that is relevant but largely incomplete or incorrect, N-1 points if correct except for a very minor mistake such as a minus sign, N points if completely correct.