EECS 401 Spring 1997 Outline - Jeff Fessler COURSE TEXT: Leon-Garcia, "Prob. and Random Processes for Engineers," 1994. Axiomatic Probability Lecture# (Sections from Leon-Garcia 2nd edition in parenthesis) 1 (2.1) example: CD-ROM motivating 2.1: Random experiment: trial, repeated trials, outcomes, sample space, elementary events, compound events, examples 2 (1.3, 2.2, notes) Sets: relationships, operations, algebra, partitions, De Morgan's Laws, disjoint, properties relevant to probability, cardinality, countable, uncountable (e.g. [0,1)) Relative Frequency Axioms of probability Equally likely probability law 3 (2.2 2.3) Combinatorics - with and without replacement - ordered vs unordered 4 (2.3 2.2) Properties of P Joint Probability 5 (monday) (2.4) Conditional probability (given an event) Sequential experiment Law of total prob. 6 (2.4) Bayes rule examples: digital comm, urn (2.5) Independent events 7 (2.6) Sequence of independent sub-experiments Bernoulli trials Binomial Probability Law (3.1) Random variables 8 Equivalent events Discrete, continuous, mixed random variables (3.2) Cumulative distribution functions, properties 9 definition of cts vs. discrete r.v.s based on CDF CDF of discrete r.v., step functions probability mass function (pmf), histogram Uniform distn (3.3) pdf definition, interpretation uniform pdf 10 (monday) pdf properties pdf interpretation (dart players) Dirac delta or unit impulse function, sifting property (not covered) pdf of discrete RV (brief) Exponential distribution example: vcr and P[3 < X < 4 | X > 3] (not covered) example: system reliability Scale and shift of r.v.: Y=aX+b uniform pdf 11 (3.4) Gaussian distribution, Q function pmf of Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson r.v. (3.3) Conditional cdf, pdf "Total probability" for cdfs and pdfs 12 example: resistor tolerance conditioning on a interval - see homework conditioning on a point example: binary comm total probability for point conditioning, continuous and discrete r.v. 13 (3.5) cdf and pdf of functions of r.v.s - method of events (applicable to p.m.f. and p.d.f.) - method of differentials (p.d.f. only) example: Y=X^2 example: half-wave rectifier (mixed r.v.) (not covered) (friday was midterm 1) (monday was memorial day) 14 more functions of r.v. (plug-and-chug formula) linear xform of gaussian still gaussian discrete r.v., multiple roots (3.11) computer generation of r.v. from uniform[0,1] by ``Transformation Method'' Computer generation of discrete r.v. (not covered) example: triangular RV (3.6) Synopses of the properties of a r.v. Mean, Average, Expectation Age Example (for discrete r.v.) Geometric r.v. example E[X] for continuous r.v. example: uniform r.v. Symmetry Property Gaussian 15 (3.6) E[g(X)] proof that 'easy way' and 'hard way' are equivalent for monotonic, cont. diff. g(x) (not covered) discrete (dice) and continuous (gaussian) examples scale and shift property, linearity Conditional expectation, dice example Var[X] = E[X^2] - (E[X])^2 16 (3.6) Moments of r.v. Moments about the origin Central Moments Effect of shift and scale on variance Standard Deviation Gaussian variance 17 (3.7) Markov Inequality Chebyshev Inequality (3.9) Characteristic Function and moment generating property example: exponential moments review of chapter 3, preview of chapter 4 18 (monday) (4.1, 4.2, 4.5) Vector r.v.s: n-tuple of functions on sample-space equivalent events PMF of discrete r.v. joint CDF dart board examples Properties of JCDF marginal CDF 19 (4.2, 4.5) Joint pdf Properties of jpdf Marginal pdf Computing P from jpdf example: glass rod, 3 pieces, forms triangle (not covered) example: P[R <= 20, pi/4 <= Theta <= pi/2] again (4.3) Independent r.v.s 20 (4.4) Conditional JCDF, jpdf given an event Total probability for JCDF, jpdf Conditional JCDF and jpdf given an interval Point Conditioning Bayes rule for pdfs "Total probability" for pdfs chain rule (not covered) example: Packet arrivals at router: conditional prob. given r.v. 21 independence and conditional pdfs conditional expectation of Y given X=x independence and conditional expectation law of iterated expectation E[X]=E[E[X|Y]] example: mean number of packet arrivals (4.6) general pdf of g(X_1,...,X_n) using method of events pdf of a function of X,Y example: X+Y using method of events independent X+Y: convolution of pdfs convolution: associative, commutative example: X+Y independent exponential yields Erlang 22 example: Y = max(X_1,X_2,X_3) * (skip Jacobian approach) (4.7) E[g(X_1,...X_n)], continuous and discrete mean of sum is sum of means example: mean of binomial is np conditional expectation given event, "total expectation" linearity of E does not require independence: hat/virus example independence and expectation of products 23 (monday) correlation, orthogonality covariance, correlation coefficient, uncorrelated r.v.s properties of covariance schwarz inequality (not proven) Y = aX + b then corr. coef. is 1 or -1 (sign of a) var(X+Y) = var(X) + var(Y) + 2 cov(X,Y) (5.1) mean and var of sum example: var of binomial 24 (5.1, 5.2) cdf of sum of indep. r.v.s via char. fun. example: sum of gaussians is gaussian example: sum of exponentials is Erlang (not covered) i.i.d. r.v.s sample mean: mean and var (5.2, 5.3) Laws of large numbers - sample averages as estimates of ensemble averages - weak law via Tchebychev - central limit theorem for i.i.d. case - example: 4884 heads in 10000 tosses: fair coin? 25 (given by TA) (4.8) Bivariate Gaussian pdf properties of Bivariate Gaussian - uncorr => indep - linear conditional expectation - Gaussian preserved by linear operations thursday: exam friday: no class 26 (monday) (6.1, 6.2) Random processes (indexed set of r.v.s) 27 example: perfectly predictable decaying sinusoid w/ random amplitude (mean function, variance function, correlation coefficient is 1) Mean function Variance function deterministic r.p. (6.2) k-th order joint cdf, pdf, pmf independent increments Markov Strict-Sense Stationarity Wide-Sense Stationarity Autocorrelation and autocovariance function and properties 28 (6.3, 6.5) i.i.d. processes Bernoulli process Random walk: mean, variance, and autocovariance (6.3) Random walk 1st- and 2nd-order pmf, generalizable to kth order independent increments stationary increments 29 Gambler' Ruin Process (6.4) Poisson process definition mean function, variance function P[multiple arrivals in time instant] -> 0 McDonalds example for computing probability, CLT Autocovariance Interarrival times are expontential, Erlang arrivals Arrivals "at random" (uniform conditioning on N(t_0) = 1) 30 white noise binary communications example summarize ch. 4-6 ----------------- end of spring term, below here not covered :-< ------------ (6.5) Wide-sense stationarity: definition s.s.s. => w.s.s., converse not true in general; exception: Gaussian (6.5) Properties of autocorrelation function for w.s.s. symmetric, max at origin, (skip: non-neg. definite), continuity at origin => continuous everywhere Example: Sinusoid with random phase Pairs of random processes joint cdfs joint strict-sense stationarity independence cross-correlation function and properties cross-covariance function (if independent then 0) joint wide-sense stationarity signal with random gain + noise example sum of jointly w.s.s. is w.s.s. product of independent and w.s.s. is w.s.s.