Errors in Phillips and Parr Signals, Systems and Transforms 2nd Edition Table of FT pairs in inside cover: pair 7. should be e^{-at} not e^{at} p43 (2.34) holds ONLY if a > 0 p90 a system "with" rectangular impulse response (missing with) p49 scaling property of delta in table not explicit enough! p68, counter example for nonlinearity not explicit enough p74 2.14b not trivial - solution incorrect p87 missing u(t) in y(t) = ... (in final answer) p115 table 3.31, e^{e_1 t} should b e^{s_1 t} p213 FT of sin w0 t missing a - p213 FT of sin(w0 t) u(t), the numerator should be omega_0 p238 Prof. 5.23 is physically impossible p239 Figure P5.27a should be P_f not P_g p242 h(t) = (omega_c/pi) sinc(omega_c t) is the correct impulse reponse (the book has an extra pi and a tau that should be a pi) p261 figure 6.20 caption: example 6.11 p265 figure 6.24, F(omega) = A tau sinc(omega tau / 2) the book has an extra pi in the formula for F(omega) p286 figure p6.16 X_1(omega) not X_1(t), and H(\omega) should be H_2(\omega) p287 figure p6.17 the "X(omega)" plot should be labeled M(omega) p643 (D.17) tan inverse not rigorous - need to consider quadrant index does not list rect function definition on p. 43,44