EECS 556 - Winter 2003 - Course Web Site

Lectures:  2:30-4:00 pm, Tues/Thurs, EECS 1003
Course Description:
Image Processing

Theory and application of digital image processing. Random field models of images. Sampling, quantization, image compression, enhancement, restora- tion, segmentation, shape description, reconstruction of pictures from their projections, pattern recognition. Applications include biomedical images, time-varying imagery, robotics, and optics.

Prerequesites: EECS 451 and EECS 501 (or equivalent)
Text: Two-dimensional signal and image processing , by Jae S. Lim, Prentice-Hall, New Jersey.  Should be available in N. Campus bookstore.
Grading and policies: 35% Homeworks/Computer projects
20% Exam #1 (mid Feb)
20% Exam #2 (mid March) 
25% Final Exam (mid-late April)
All of the above will likely have take-home computing components or will be entirely take-home exams.
Course and grading policies
Instructor: Douglas C. Noll, Ph.D. 
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Radiology
Phone: (734) 764-9194 
BME Secretary: (734) 764-9588 
FAX: (734) 936-1905 
Office: 2119 Gerstacker (Gerstacker is across Bonisteel Blvd from the Phoenix Labs)
    and  1088 BIRB (BIRB is across Bonisteel Blvd from Cooley Hall) 
Office Hours: Tues/Thursday 4-5 in 2119 Gerstacker
Tues 10-11 in 2119 Gerstacker
Other times by appointment, generally in 1088 BIRB.
Course Web Site:
Preliminary syllabus
Continuously updated syllabus

Web materials (some html, some pdf):
1. Noll's Fourier Transform Notes
2. Paper on Hexagonal Sampling
3. Exam #1: e1_p4_template.m   Partial Solutions
4. Exam #2: e2p1_template.m , e2p2_template.m Solutions frot.m
5. Final Exam: finalp1_template.m, finalp2_template.m, haar2.m
6. Final Exam Solutions; Grades by Last 4 Digts of UMID

Homework assignments:
1. Homework #1 , Matlab template for problem 6
2. Homework #2
3. Homework #3 ,  Matlab templates: hw3_template.m , dct_2_template.m , idct_2_template.m , image_data.mat (ftp link )
4. Homework #4 (sorry no templates this time)
5. Homework #5 , hw5_image.mat
6. Howework #6, hw6template.m , anisodiff.m (this last one is from )
7. Homework #7, hw7image.mat
8. Homework #8, hw8_2_template.m , hw8_3_template.m , kmeans.m , dist2.m (these last two came from )
9. Homework #9, hw9_template.m

Several previous instructors had excellent electronic notes. Most lectures will be based on Fessler's notes.
Professor Fessler's Notes (restricted to UM IP's)
Professor O'Donnell's Notes
Noll's Website from 2002 (e.g. has old exams, etc.)
Other useful links:
1. UM Matlab Tutorials
2. Fessler's Matlab Primer
3. 1-year licenses for full version of matlab for your PC (Matlab is $42, Sig Proc Toolbox  $16, Im Proc Toolbox $31, expires 12/31/03)