BME/EECS 516 - Fall 2006 - Course Web Site


Course Description:

BME/EECS 516 Medical Imaging Systems

We'll examine, from a systems perspective, the techniques used to form internal images of (living) human bodies.  These imaging systems are used for tasks ranging from cancer detection to basic biophysical and cognitive research, and include planar X-ray and gamma-ray (nuclear medicine) imaging, X-ray tomography, ultrasound, single-photon tomography, positron emission tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).


Linear systems theory, Fourier transforms, Digital Signal Processing.  EECS 451 is formally listed, but many undergrad DSP classes will be sufficient.  The main issues is exposure to spectral analysis, Fourier transforms and sampling.

A working knowledge of Matlab will be necessary.  If you don't know Matlab, you will have to learn it quickly!

Recommended Texts:

The on-line class notes are pretty complete and thus, there are no required texts.  I have two recommended texts:

Medical Imaging Systems 
A Macovski (1983, Prentice-Hall) – In N. Campus Bookstore

Principles of Magnetic Resonance Imaging
D Nishimura (1996) – Available for $30 from instructor or from Kristen or Deb in Gerstacker 1107.

Reference Materials

Grading and policies:

10% Homework
60% Projects (20% for each of 3 projects)
30% Final Exam (take home final, last Due date Dec. 20, 9 am)
Course and grading policies


Douglas C. Noll, Ph.D.  
Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Radiology
Phone: (734) 764-9194 
Admin support for class: (734) 764-9588 
FAX: (734) 936-1905 
Office: 1119 Gerstacker
Mail Box: Main BME Office, 1107 Gerstacker


Tues/Thurs, 1-2:30 pm, Lurie Biomedical Engineering Building (LMBE) 1123

Office Hours:

Tues/Thurs 2:30-3:30 in 1119 Gerstacker (tentative time slot)
Other times by appointment.

Course Web Site:


Preliminary Syllabus

Notes - These files are used by the instructor to prepare lectures.  They may cover more or less than what is presented in class, so these should not be used in lieu of your own notes (though they may same you some time and effort or may be a good review).

1. Introduction Slides

2. FT Notes
3. US Notes 1
4. US Notes 2
5. US Notes 3
6. MRI Notes 1

   6.a.  MRI Slides

   6.b.  MRI Movies: 3 spins at different B fields, excitation, exciation with rotating frame, off-resonance excitation, relaxation
7. MRI Notes 2
8. MRI Notes 3
9. X-Ray Notes 1

10. CT Notes
11. X-Ray Notes 2
12. X-Ray Notes 3
13. ECT Notes

Homework assignments:
1. HW #1
2. HW#2, Matlab template #1, Matlab template #2, ft.m, ift.m fwhm.m
3. HW #3
4. HW #4
5. HW #5
6. HW #6
7. HW #7

Homework Solutions are available on the Ctools site (restricted access).


US Project, link to files

MRI Project, link to files

CT Project, link to files

Useful Links:
Noll's Course Web site from 2004
Fessler's Course Web site from 2005
UM Matlab Tutorials
Matlab help from Matlab

On-Line Medical Imaging Book
ISMRM Educational Links for MRI