BME 311/499 - Winter 2005 - Course Web Site

Course Description:
BME 311 Biomedical Signals and Systems

Theory and practice of signals and systems in both continuous and discrete time domains with examples from biomedical signal processing and control. Continuous-time linear systems: convolution, steady-state responses, Fourier and Laplace transforms, transfer functions, poles and zeros, stability, sampling, feedback. Discrete-time linear systems: Z transform, filters, Fourier transform, signal processing.  This class will make extensive use of Matlab projects.


Differential equations:  Math 216
Circuits: BME 211, EECS 215 or EECS 314 -or- permission of instructor.

Required Text

Signals and Systems by Oppenheim, Willsky, and Nawab.
(c) 1997.  ISBN 0-13-814757-4.

Lectures will follow the material in a similar order to that covered in the above text (see Syllabus Below), but many examples and homework problems will be drawn from other books, notably Biomedical Signal Processing and Signal Modeling by Bruce.  This book will be on reserve in the library.

Grading and policies: 30% Homeworks and computer projects
40% In-class exams (20% for each of 2 exams)
30% Final Exam
Instructor: Douglas C. Noll, Ph.D.  
Associate Professor, Biomedical Engineering and Radiology
Phone: (734) 764-9194 
Secretary: (734) 764-9588 
FAX: (734) 936-1905 
Office: 1088 BIRB (BIRB is across Bonisteel Blvd from Cooley Hall)
    and  2119 Gerstacker (upstairs from the BME department offices)
Mail Box: Main BME Office, 1107 Gerstacker
M & W, 1-2:30 pm, FXB 1024 - Main lectures
F 1:30-2:30, FXB 1024 - Lab section to go over homeworks & computer projects, present biomedical examples, and for exams.
Office Hours: M & W 2:30-3:30 in 2119 Gerstacker
Other times by appointment, generally in 1088 BIRB
Course Web Site:
Preliminary Syllabus  -  This is a very rough syllabus, topics for Friday lab sections haven't been selected.

Notes on the DFS, DTFT and DFT

Filtering example from 3/18 class: mfile, data

Homework Assignments:
1. Homework #1
2. Homework #2, f1.m, f2.m, f3.m
3. Homework #3, f4.m
4. Homework #4
5. Homework #5
6. Homework #6
7. Homework #7
8. Homework #8
9. Homework #9, hw9.m, ecg1.mat
10. Homework #10
11. Homework #11

Solutions to homeworks will be posted on the secure CTools Site.

Useful Links:
UM Matlab Tutorials
Fessler's Matlab Primer  
Matlab help from Matlab