University of Michigan
Current schedule available on CTools; contact me for access.
2013 Winter
Thursdays 11:30-1:00, 438 West Hall
2012 Fall
Wednesdays 3:30-4:30, 438 West Hall
Date | Presenter | Title | Author(s) |
9/12 | Tak | A Generalized Least Squares Matrix Decomposition | Genevera Allen, Logan Grosenick, and Jonathan Taylor |
9/19 | Robert | Feature Selection via Dependence Maximization | Le Song, Alex Smola, Arthur Gretton, Justin Bedo, Karsten Borgwardt |
9/26 | NO MEETING | ||
10/3 | Hossein | Minimax Rates of Estimation for Sparse PCA in High Dimensions | Vincent Vu and Jing Lei |
10/10 | Long | Linear functionals and Markov chains associated with Dirichlet processes | Paul D. Feigin and Richard L. Tweedie |
10/17 | Ambuj | High-dimensional regression with noisy and missing data: Provable guarantees with non-convexity | Po-Ling Loh and Martin Wainwright |
10/24 | Clay | Reproducing Kernel Banach Spaces with the l1 Norm | Guohui Song, Haizhang Zhang, Fred J. Hickernell |
10/31 | Tak | A Dirty Model for Multi-task Learning | Ali Jalali, Pradeep Ravikumar, Sujay Sanghavi, Chao Ruan |
11/7 | Robert | Weak and Strong Uniform Consistency of the Kernel Estimate of a Density and its Derivatives | Bernard Silverman |
11/14 | Hossein | Estimation of high dimensional low rank matrices | Angelika Rohde and Alexandre B. Tsybakov |
11/21 | THANKSGIVING | ||
11/28 | Ambuj | Distributed Learning, Communication Complexity, and Privacy | Nina Balcan, Avrim Blum, Shai Fine, and Yishay Mansour |
2012 Spring/Summer
Wednesdays 1-3, 4419 EECS