EECS 545 Project Progress Report Guidelines

A 5 page progress report will be due Nov. 25. The formatting guidelines are the same as for the proposal. Please hand in a hard copy in class.

The primary objective for this deadline is for you to have some preliminary results. This means you should implement something and show some results. The implementation need not be fully developed. You experiments may involve toy or simulated data if necessary.

Your report should extend your proposal to include (1) sufficient technical background for me to understand the method you are implementing, (2) a more technical discussion of the challenges in your work and your innovations, and (3) the results of your initial experiments. You may structure the report as a rough draft of your final report.

The progress report will be evaluated mainly on the evidence that you are investigating your problem, identifying the key technical issues, and on your way to a more complete solution. The thoroughness or quality of your results is immaterial, as long as you have *some* preliminary results.

The reason for a progress report is so that you don't put things off to the end, realize things are more complex than you thought, and then run out of time. I will return the reports with comments after Thanksgiving.

The progress report is worth 20% of the final project grade.