@ARTICLE{scott09ejs, AUTHOR = {C. Scott and G. Bellala and R. Willett}, TITLE = {The false discovery rate for statistical pattern recognition}, JOURNAL = {Electronic Journal of Statistics}, Volume = {3}, Pages = {651-677}, YEAR = {2009}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{scott09aistats, editor = {D. van Dyk and M. Welling}, AUTHOR = {C. Scott and G. Blanchard}, TITLE = {Novelty detection: Unlabeled data definitely help}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics (AISTATS) 2009}, publisher = {JMLR: W\&CP 5}, pages = {464-471}, address = {Clearwater Beach, Florida}, Date = {April 16-18}, YEAR = {2009}, }
@incollection{kim08nips, title = {Performance analysis for $L\_2$ kernel classification}, author = {J. Kim and C. Scott}, booktitle = {Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 21}, editor = {D. Koller and D. Schuurmans and Y. Bengio and L. Bottou}, pages = {833--840}, year = {2009} }
@InProceedings{singh08, author = {A. Singh and R. Nowak and C. Scott}, title = {Adaptive {H}ausdorff estimation of density level sets}, booktitle = {Proc. 21st Annual Conference on Learning Theory (COLT)}, year = {2008}, editor = {R. Servedio and T. Zhang}, pages = {491-501}, address = {Helsinki}, date = {July}, }
@article{singh09aos, author = {A. Singh and C. Scott and R. Nowak}, title = {Adaptive {H}ausdorff estimation of density level sets}, journal = {Ann. Stat.}, year = {2009}, volume = {37}, number = {5B}, pages = {2760-2782}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{chhabra08, AUTHOR = {P. Chhabra and C. Scott and E. Kolaczyk and M. Crovella}, TITLE = {Distributed Spatial Anomaly Detection}, BOOKTITLE = {Proc. IEEE Infocom}, year = {2008}, }
@INPROCEEDINGS{kim08icassp, title={Robust kernel density estimation}, author={J. Kim and C. Scott}, booktitle={IEEE Int. Conf. on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2008}, year={2008}, pages={3381-3384}, }
@ARTICLE{rossell08, AUTHOR = {D. Rossell and R. Guerra and C. Scott}, TITLE = {Semi-parametric differential expression analysis via partial mixture estimation}, YEAR = {2008}, journal = {Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology}, volume = {7}, number = {1}, note = {arcticle 15} }
@ARTICLE{scott07npperform, AUTHOR = "C. Scott", TITLE = "Performance measures for {N}eyman-{P}earson Classification", YEAR = "2007", JOURNAL = "IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory", VOLUME = "53", number = "8", PAGES = "2852--2863", }
@ARTICLE{scott07level, AUTHOR = {C. Scott and M. Davenport}, TITLE = {Regression level set estimation via cost-sensitive classification}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Signal Proc.}, Volume = {55}, Number = {6}, Pages = {2752-2757}, YEAR = {2007}, }
@ARTICLE{copap, AUTHOR = {C. Scott and R. Nowak}, TITLE = {Robust contour matching via the order preserving assignment problem}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Image Proc.}, Volume = {15}, Number = {7}, Pages = {1831-1838}, YEAR = {2005}, }
@ARTICLE{scott06jmlr, AUTHOR = {C. Scott and R. Nowak}, TITLE = {Learning Minimum Volume Sets}, YEAR = {2006}, journal = {J. Machine Learning Res.}, volume = {7}, pages = {665--704}, }
@article{scott06ddt, author={C. Scott and R. Nowak}, title ={Minimax-Optimal Classification with Dyadic Decision Trees}, journal={IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, month={April}, no={4}, vol={52}, pages={1335-1353}, year={2006}, }
@ARTICLE{scott05prune, AUTHOR = {C. Scott}, TITLE = {Tree pruning with subadditive penalties}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Signal Proc.}, Volume = {53}, Number = {12}, Pages = {4518-4525}, YEAR = {2005}, }
@ARTICLE{scott05np, AUTHOR = "C. Scott and R. Nowak", TITLE = "A {N}eyman-{P}earson Approach to Statistical Learning", YEAR = "2005", JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory}, VOLUME = "51", number = "8", PAGES = "3806-3819", }
@ARTICLE{templar, AUTHOR = {C. Scott and R. Nowak}, TITLE = {TEMPLAR: A wavelet-based framework for pattern learning and analysis}, JOURNAL = {IEEE Trans. Signal Proc.}, Volume = {52}, Number = {8}, Pages = {2264-2274}, YEAR = {2004}, }