The Dreams of William D. Becher
- Finding
the time to write my second novel.
As planned, it will be a griping saga based on the hardships and
adventures of revolutionary war soldiers stationed at Ft. Laurens in eastern
Ohio from 1778 to 1779 and their Indian friends and advisaries.
- Receiving
the DXCC awards on both amateur radio and code. That is, after developing
my equipment and skills with APRS, PSK31, Echolink and Packet radio.
- Hollywood
discovering my novel and turning it into a blockbuster movie and TV
series. An Ocean Between really would make a fine movie,
sharing scenes of wartime life in Midwestern America and England with life on
the battlefields of World War II.
- Sailing
the Llangollen Canal in a narrowboat with my wife. The Llangollen Canal
is in the United Kingdom.
Long term
- Many
others, too numerous to mention, are still being formulated: things such as
accumulating plenty of computers, radios and toys in general. Check here later
for a more complete list!
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