Assignment 6

Due on Nov 15 before lecture.

Email your solutions to Preferably, email them as an attachment, with the filename:

Problem 1a (21 Points)

Consider the language of Featherweight Java discussed in class (Figures 1, 2, 3 in the Featherweight Java paper). Your goal for this project is to implement a type checker for Featherweight Java.

A partial implementation of a type checker is available from below: The README file describes how to build Featherweight Java.

Note that several methods of the type checker are not yet implemented properly. These include the following: Implement the above methods to complete the implementation of a type checker for Featherweight Java. Please submit the source code of your type checker.

Problem 1b (7 Points)

Your goal for this problem is to test your above type checker implementation. The tests directory supplied to you contains a bare minimal test suite. Write a more comprehensive test suite by writing both type-correct and type-incorrect example programs that thoroughly test your implementation. Please submit your test suite.

[Mail] [bchandra at eecs dot umich dot edu]