The main program gets as an argument the configuration file, and the number of Chat clients.
Type a wrong command line to get the correct list of arguments.
The part that is application-specific is in the Main program, and the ChatMonitor. In the main program you can create PROCs and connect them. After you create a PROC you should use the Engine.addProc() call.
You can eventually take a look at the source files in the chat subdirectory:, (a PROC), (a monitor). For an even simpler PROC, look at in the parent directory.
The Engine.runShell() call brings up the command line interface. At the prompt, type help (or h) to get a list of commands. These are probably self-explanatory. Use print to see what PROCs are in the system and how they are connected.
The Engine.displayGraph() brings up the GUI. Everything you can do in the command window you can also do using the GUI. Left click on an object to move/resize it. You can move a PROC from one host to another through drag-and-drop. Right click somewhere in the window to bring up a menu. Or use the window menus.
Run the application on 2 hosts. Use the connect command to connect them. Connect/disconnect PROCs as you wish.
To start a monitor on a host, type "startMonitor" in the command window. The ChatMonitor will offload some Chat clients from one server to another based on the load.