Andrew E. Yagle: Wavelets
Dept. of EECS, The Univ. of Michigan, Ann Arbor MI 48109-2122
To send mail for more information or to request a reprint:
- Wavelets in tomography (inverse Radon transform)
- Wavelets in inverse scattering
WAVELETS IN TOMOGRAPHY (inverse Radon transform)
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Inversion of the Radon Transform under Wavelet
Constraints,'' in {\it Time-Frequency and Wavelet Transforms in Biomedicine},
ed. by M. Akay, Elsevier, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Inversion of the Radon Transform under Wavelet
Constraints,'' IEEE EMBS Magazine, Sept. 1996 (INVITED PAPER).
- A.E. Yagle, ``Region-of-Interest Tomography using the Wavelet Transform and
Angular Harmonics,'' 1995 International Conference on Image Processing,
Washington DC, Oct. 23-26, 1995.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Inversion of the Radon Transform under Wavelet
Constraints,'' Workshop on New Advances in Biomedical Signal and Image
Processing, IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Montreal, Sept. 20, 1995
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Region-of-Interest Tomography using Exponential
Radial Sampling,'' IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 4(8), 1120-1127, August 1995
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Reconstruction from Projections under
Time-Frequency Constraints,'' IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 14(2), 193-204, June
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Region-of-Interest Reconstruction from
Projections using Exponential Radial Sampling,'' 1995 IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Detroit, May 9-12, 1995.
- A.E. Yagle, ``Region-of-Interest Tomography using the Wavelet Transform and
Angular Harmonics,'' Signal Processing Letters 1(9), 134-135, Sept. 1994.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Image Reconstruction from Projections Under
Wavelet Constraints,'' IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc. 41(12), 3579-3584, December 1993
(special issue on wavelets).
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Time-Frequency Distribution Inversion of the
Radon Transform,'' IEEE Trans. Image Proc. 2(4), 539-543, October 1993.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Limited Angle Tomography using the Wavelet
Transform,'' IEEE 1993 Medical Imaging Conference, San Francisco, Nov. 4-6,
1993, pp. 1912-1916.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Constrained Image Reconstruction from
Projections using the Wavelet Transform,'' SIAM Conference on Linear Algebra in
Signals, Systems, and Control, Seattle, August 16-19, 1993.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``On the Use of Wavelets in Inverting the Radon
Transform,'' IEEE 1992 Medical Imaging Conference, Orlando, FL, Oct. 25-31,
1992, pp. 1129-31.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Time-Frequency Distribution Inversion of the
Radon Transform,'' IEEE 1991 Medical Imaging Conference, Santa Fe, NM, Nov.
5-9, 1991, pp. 2043-2047.
- B. Sahiner and A.E. Yagle, ``Application of Time-Frequency Distributions to
Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Non-Constant Flow,'' 1990 IEEE International
Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Albuquerque, NM, April
3-6, 1990, pp. 1865-1868.
- A.E. Yagle, "Layer Stripping Reconstruction of 1-D Inhomogeneous Continuous
Dispersive Dielectric Media from Noisy Data," submitted to IEEE Trans. Antennas
and Propagation, July 1996.
- R. Joshi and A.E. Yagle, ``A Levinson-Like Algorithm for Solving
Block-Slanted-Toeplitz Systems of Equations Arising in Wavelet-Based Solution
of Integral Equations,'' submitted to IEEE Trans. Sig. Proc., May 1996.
- R. Joshi and A.E. Yagle, ``A Levinson-Like Algorithm for Solving
Block-Slanted-Toeplitz Systems of Equations Arising in Wavelet-Based Solution
of Integral Equations,'' 1996 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics,
Speech, and Signal Processing, Atlanta, May 7-10, 1996.
- B.-J. Kwak and A.E. Yagle, ``Multiresolution Algorithms for Reconstructing
1-D Dielectric Media using Wavelet Transforms,'' PIERS 1995, Seattle, July
- A.E. Yagle, ``Reconstruction of Layered One-Dimensional Dielectric Media
using the Wavelet Transform,'' 1994 IEEE AP-S International Symposium, Seattle,
June 19-24, 1994 (INVITED PRESENTATION).
- A.E. Yagle, ``Multiresolution Algorithms for One-Dimensional Inverse
Scattering Problems using the Wavelet Transform,'' SIAM Conference on Linear
Algebra in Signals, Systems, and Control, Seattle, August 16-19, 1993.
- A.E. Yagle, ``Multiresolution Algorithms for One-Dimensional Inverse
Scattering Problems using the Wavelet Transform,'' Technical Report, 1992.