EECS 658_________________________PROBLEM SET #2_________________________Fall 1999
ASSIGNED: Sept. 23, 1999. READ: Convolutions handout given out on Thursday Sept. 23.
DUE DATE: Sept. 30, 1999. THIS WEEK: Chinese remainder theorem, Euclidian algorithm.
A very simple application of the polynomial Chinese remainder theorem:
- Show that the solution to M(z)X(z)=1 mod(z-a) is X(z)=1/M(a), provided M(a) isn't 0.
This is useful for the polynomial Chinese remainder theorem solution procedure.
- Show you can formulate the interpolation problem X(zi)=ci
as: X(z)=ci mod(z-zi), i=1...n.
- Apply the Chinese remainder theorem to derive the Lagrange interpolation formula.
- Apply Winograd to derive a fast algorithm for multiplying quadratic polynomials
mod(z³ -8):
(u0+u1z+u2z²) mod(z³ -8).
HINTS: (1) z3-8=(z-2)(z² +2z+4); (2) z² +2z+4=(z-2)(z+4)+12.
You can use the latter hint to avoid the Euclidian algorithm for polynomials, if desired.
We wish to multiply (3458)(2992) using residue number systems (illustrative example).
Use as moduli: 2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19; their product is about 10 million (large enough).
- Compute the residues of 3458 and 2992 for each modulus (total of 16 numbers).
- Compute the residues of the product for each modulus (total of 8 numbers).
- Use the Chinese remainder theorem to compute (3458)(2992). Confirm this is right.
- Blind deconvolution of integer sequences (useful for sequences scaled to integers):
We observe yn=hn*un={143,96,199,97,217,199,274,156,146,114,78,83,34,11,1}.
GOAL: To reconstruct BOTH hn and un from their convolution yn (2 unknowns).
All we know is hn and un are scaled to positive integers, 0 < h,u < 10, n > 0.
Compute hn and un. HINT: Use the Euclidian algorithm repeatedly, and 143=(13)(11).
- Multichannel blind deconvolution (this is presently a "hot" topic; see journals):
We observe
and observe yn²=hn*un²={1,7,23,49,80,112,144,176,199,185,121,47,8}.
GOAL: Compute hn,un¹,un² from yn¹,yn².
These sequences need NOT be integer-valued; we know NOTHING except that WLOG h0=1.
Compute hn, un¹ and un² in three ways (which one is easiest?):
- By finding the common zeros of Y¹(z) and Y²(z), and using them to compute H(z).
Don't be surprised if this doesn't work well; how do you identify exactly common zeros?
- By applying the Euclidian algorithm for polynomials to Y¹(z) and Y²(z).
- By writing Y¹(z)U²(z)-Y²(z)U¹(z)=0 as the linear system of equations