EECS 210_________________________PROBLEM SET #9________________________Winter 2001
ASSIGNED: March 23, 2001. Read: Chapter 10 of text and Chapter 5 of Additional Course Notes.
DUE DATE: March 30, 2001. In Lab Book: Read Unit #6 and Lab Lecture #6, especially Bode plots.
THIS WEEK: Power in the sinusoidal steady-state and simple Bode magnitude plots.
- Text #10.13. Here you need to compute maximum and minimum instantaneous powers.
This is easiest to do in the time domain using equation (10.7). Note R and C are in parallel.
- Text #10.15. Here you confirm that average, reactive and apparent powers are all conserved.
- Text #10.24. Power factor correction using a capacitor in parallel. Answer to (e): 8.93%!
- Text #10.28. Power factor correction (small appliances?). Hook capacitor in parallel to load.
- You will find the speaker crossover circuit shown below inside your stereo speakers at home.
Show that the load always looks like 4 Ohms, independent of frequency. HINT: Let x=w/2000.
This maintains maximum power transfer, so different freqs do not have different efficiencies.
Q: Why does Washington DC have politicians, while New Jersey has chemical waste?
A: New Jersey had first choice between the two.