EECS 210_________________________PROBLEM SET #4________________________Winter 2001
ASSIGNED: January 26, 2001. Read: Chapter 4 of text & Chapter 3 of Additional Course Notes.
DUE DATE: February 2, 2001. In Lab Book: Read Lab Experiment #2 for THIS WEEK's Lab #2.
THIS WEEK: Voltage dividers, node equations, use of Matlab to solve simultaneous equations.
- Text #3.11. Very easy if you use voltage dividers.
- Text #3.16. Simple, but makes an important point about voltage dividers.
- Text #3.18a. Should be straightforward after #3.16.
- Text #3.37a. A "d'Arsonval voltmeter" is defined on page 74.
- Text #4.3. Node equation. Supernode, 1 equation in 1 unknown. Integer solutions.
- Text #4.7. Node equations. Straightforward, but 2 equations in 2 unknowns. Integer solutions.
- Text #4.20. Node equation. Dependent source, supernode, 1 equation in 1 unknown. Integer sol'n.
- Text #4.30a. Mesh equations. Straightforward, but 2 equations in 2 unknowns.
- Text #4.45a. Node equations. Straightforward, but 3 equations in 3 unknowns.
Use as ground the point between the 2 voltage sources (easier grading).
For instructions on how to solve linear systems of equations, see below.
Attach a copy of your Matlab code and output to your problem set.
Excuse heard in a genetic engineering class: "My homework ate the dog."