EECS 210_________________________PROBLEM SET #3________________________Winter 2001
ASSIGNED: January 19, 2001. Read: Chapters 2 & 3 of text & Chapter 6 of Additional Course Notes.
DUE DATE: January 26, 2001. In Lab Book: Read Lab Lecture #2 (all 28 pages) for this week
THIS WEEK: Kirchhoff's current & voltage laws; resistors & sources: behavior & combining.
- Text #1.27 Confirm: (a) KVL holds around each loop; (b) KCL holds at each node (point);
(c) Power is conserved (Tellegen's law). Note you don't need to know what the devices are.
- Text #2.9 "Valid" means KVL and KCL hold. Compute power supplied by each voltage source.
Show all of the sources can be combined into 1 voltage source connected to 1 current source,
without affecting the i-v behavior of circuit "seen" from upper-left and lower-right corners.
- Text #2.11 Simple application of KVL, KCL and Ohm's law. If power checks, you got it right.
- Text #2.13 Simple application of KVL, KCL and Ohm's law. If power checks, you got it right.
- Text #2.18 Your first exposure to the idea of a Norton equivalent circuit.
- Text #3.6 Combining resistors; recognizing series and parallel connections.
- 12 1-Ohm resistors are connected together to form a cube. Each resistor is an edge of the cube.
Each of the 8 corners of the cube has 3 resistors connected there (look at a block to visualize).
Compute the equivalent resistance between terminals at 2 symmetrically opposite corners.
HINT: Do NOT try to combine resistors in series and parallel (you can't). THINK (uh-oh!):
If a 1-amp current source is connected, how do the currents divide at each corner? Then use KVL.
This is a good example of using visualization instead of analysis; picture what is happening.
"President Coolidge, I bet I can get you to say three words." His reply: "You lose."