EECS 210________________________PROBLEM SET #10_______________________Winter 2001
ASSIGNED: March 30, 2001. Read: Chapter 14 of text. Replace "s" with "jw" everywhere in it.
DUE DATE: April   06, 2001. In Lab Book: Read Lab Experiment #6. Start reading Audio Lab.
THIS WEEK: Bode plots, basic filtering circuits, and resonant RLC circuits.
- Text #14.3. Simple circuit, but you must analyze it from scratch (still a 1-pole lowpass filter).
Note the effect of loading with the load RL. Active filters avoid this problem. SKIP (e).
- Text #14.5. Doing #14.3 first makes (c) and (d) easier; otherwise this is simpler than #14.3.
- Text #14.13. Calculating quantities for series RLC circuit. Q=8; assume this is >>1 so the peak
is symmetric. This makes things much easier than using the ugly formulae on pages 720-722.
- Text #14.19. Designing (specifying R,L,C) a series RLC circuit to meet specs. Q=5>>1.
Again, this makes things much easier than using the ugly formulae on pages 720-722.
- Text #14.36. Compute the transfer function, not the step response, from the Bode plot.
Note the line in the range 1< w< 10 does not have slope 20 dB/decade, so don't extend it.
Rather, find corner frequencies by noting where gain is 3 dB up or down. Assume 0 dB at DC.
This is a remarkable thing: Determine a system from some frequency measurements!
- Reverse engineering problem. See below.
Click here for pdf file of last problem.
Demographer: someone who believes the average Miamian is born Cuban and dies Jewish.