EECS 210: Information about Final Exam
EXAM DATE: Monday April 23, 4:00-6:00 PM, 1200 EECS.
CLOSED BOOK: Exam is closed book. 2 "cheat sheets" allowed.
HONOR CODE: Exam is given under the College
Honor Code.
REVIEW SESSION: Mon. April 16, 9:40-10:15 AM, 1200 EECS.
COVERAGE:- LECTURE: Mon. March 5-Fri. April 13.
- PROBLEM SETS: #8-11 (the best preparation).
- TEXT: Chapters 9, 10, 14, 15.1-15.3.
- SKIP: Sections 9.10 and 9.11, ugly formulae on pp. 720-2,
Delta-to-Y transformations, transformers, and scaling.
- LAB: Nothing not also covered in lecture.
- Click here to see my final exam from Winter 1998.
- Click here to check on your problem set scores.
Phasor circuit analysis, including:
- Simple node analysis; op-amps
- Thevenin and Norton equivalents
Complex power, including:
- Apparent power and power dissipated
- power factor and its correction
Bode plots, including:
- Sketching and interpreting them
- Series RLC circuit: bandpass; resonant
- Transfer functions and frequency response
OFFICE HOURS (subject to change):
- Andrew E. Yagle: Wed 10:30-12:30; Mon 2-4 (last minute!)
- Barun Singh: Thur 1-3; Tony Nawar: Thur 1:30-3 in 2420
- Corey Cheng: Thur 3-5 IN LAB (pick up lab books then)
- Shawn Redmond: Fri 2-4 IN LAB (pick up lab books then)
- Paul Pelzl: Tues April 24 1-3 IN LAB (pick up lab books)