Position: Professor
Departments: Mathematics and EECS
Affiliation: University of Michigan
E-mail: martinjs at umich.edu
Office Phone: +1-734-763-3005
Office Fax: +1-734-763-0937
Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics
The University of Michigan
2074 East Hall
530 Church St.
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1043
Blog: Mostly Math Manipulatives
Biography: Martin J. Strauss has an A.B. degree from Columbia University and a PhD from Rutgers University, both in mathematics. In 1996, he was a postdoctoral fellow at Iowa State University. From 1997 to 2004, he was a member of technical staff at AT&T Labs-Research in Florham Park, NJ. His current research interest is sustainable energy and former research interests include fundamental algorithms, especially randomized and approximation algorithms; algorithms for massive data sets; signal processing and and computational harmonic analysis; computer security and cryptography; complexity theory. He is currently interested in K-12 outreach and in using physical manipulatives and kinesthetics to teach math and theoretical computer science for K-12 and university.

