Prakash's picture Atul Prakash

Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Senior Associate Chair for Academic Affairs, CSE

Office: 4713 Beyster

Email: aprakash at umich dot .edu

Open Office Hours

I have open office hours, primarily intended for Ph.D. students in CSE at UM (you do not have to be my student to see me). They can be used for just getting acquainted, general career discussion, chat about research, dealing with challenges in doing a Ph.D., or anything else. To reserve a slot, please book here. Reach me on email or Google chat if needed.

Research Interests



I have taught many software systems and security courses at Michigan including operating systems, database systems, and computer and network security. At the undergraduate level, in recent years, I have taught EECS 484, our database systems course.

At the graduate level, I am currently developing a new course on trustworthy machine learning with my Ph.D. students, Ryan Feng, Elisa Tsai, and Haizhong Zheng. See material from some recent offerings of the course below. Feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in exchanging ideas on such a course.

Participating in my group

To apply to do independent study research in my group, drop me an email with your CV and transcript, and preliminary thoughts on what you would like to work on. I am happy to work with both undergraduate and graduate students, though openings tend to be limited. Ideally, you should be available for more than one semester.

Research in the news

Research Group Web Site
